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Posts posted by poppy&lucy

  1. Also sorry about this, but if the default notice was not stating the actual arrears at the time how can that be right. The default notice looks like something that a kid put together and layout. They ended the account by not adhering to the cca agreement or am I wrong. Thanks again

  2. They are indeed, the default that MBNA issued and logged on my file is for 3 days before the default date. Did write to them to asking for the default they sent to see if it would be different and it was. Arrow logged a default to on my file to.

  3. Cheers, on something else having an issue with Arrow who bought an alleged debt I had with MBNA. MBNA issued an incorrect default on me asking for a full balance to be paid not any arrears within the prescribed terms I spoke with them about this at the time and they said I had to pay the full balance. Would that make the debt null and void as they did not keep to the prescribed terms of the cca agreement? Cheers again ;O)

  4. They haven't, just that I'm self employed and will need to self cert. They reckon that they view each customer differently, wouldn't mind but been a customer since the Mickey Mouse Club. Had a lot of savings that I moved from them because there on-line was compromised and someone added over six different names into the 'make a payment' section. They wouldn't tell me how or why this happened, complained and got a blah blah letter. Just wondered if I sar them it will tell me why they are not giving me a decent rate. Cheers

  5. Hi all,


    Been trying for ever to get a better deal from Santander on my mortgage (re). Am on the SVR @ 4.74% they are offering new customers 2.94%. They keep telling me that thats the only rate they can offer to me, because they look at peoples circumstances, credit rating etc. The FSA have told the banks that they should be viewing existing customers in a fair manner. I did in mid 2011 have some arrears put that was cleared up 14 months ago. I think they have something against me but need to advice on this because they are not telling me anything but taking my normal monthly payment. Always good for the money but better rates!!! Thanks :evil:

  6. No!! Our business manager had to be the worst around. When we questioned the change in banking terms he advised my wife and I quote "if you don't like it move". Because of the aggressive change in terms they closed our account at the end of 2010, as we were not banking with them as much!! We raised our growing concrens over the 30.00 ret on cheques and the 35.00 ref fee's but fell on deaf ears. Had my business for 10 years and worst move was moving to these sharks. Wish we could all call on an arab family for a bail out. Thanks for info, would like to bat the ball back as hard as I can to these morons.

  7. Thanks for the quick reply, its in the business name and is ltd. Got knocked bandy by Barclays about 3 years ago with excessive bank charges etc. We were good enough to bank our business with them and they were allowing us to clear down on clearing funds so that we could pay our suppliers.Then overnight they changed the game and stopped this, we never had cleared funds for our suppliers but they always made sure they took charges even if our funds were not clear for us. So when we went to pay people our funds would be lower as they had already put the hand in the till. Want to kick them right in the nachos on this. Can't stand the bank!!!:-x

  8. Gonna be quick with this people,


    had a business barclaycard.


    Because of personal circumstances have not been able to deal with.


    Been written to by TBI with a notice of assignment in same envelope from BC.


    Had rung BC today to get this crowd off my back and offer a full and final,


    but they say I have to deal with TBI.


    Any ideas on this,


    was shafted left right and centre with Barclays Bank on business banking and lost 4.5k in 18 months in charges taken from account

    before our own funds were clearing down for us to use.


    Gonna stop on this or I will start ranting!!!!!!:mad2:

  9. Post moved from successes thread.


    If you think you have PPI on your mortgage you need to check the mortgage agreement to see if any single premium policy was attached to it.


    Alternatively, if it was a separate item being paid alongside the mortgage it would appear as a separate payment each month on your bank statements.


    Don't get involved with reclaim companies.


    Hi again on another note I'm sorting out a lot of my late mum's affairs and am going through statements to contact creditors etc. Have got one showing on her statements (bank) Creation/Sears CRD. Would you be able to point me in the right direction to who they are. Have contacted Creation Financial and they have got nothing on my mums name. Thanks

  10. Afternoon people,


    Question. If a company decides to change it's name and a ccj was secured in that name before its changed, would the debt still be paid. Been paying money to these numptys for the last 5 months, never had a receipt for payment. Just received a letter telling me they have changed there name to Compello Card Services and that it's been sold and tranferred to MKDP LLP. Could someone help on this :!:

  11. Thanks for that.


    Right it states on the copy of the LTD app that it is meant to be a company account and that Tradepro open an "account" in the name of the company and that all statements also. It does not have the cca with this. They have always sent statements in my name, acc opened in June 2006. I signed this in good faith and sent this all in to them, only when they sent me a copy of this I've seen the fact that it should have been set up as one. They issued me a default under the 1974 cca in my name not the business, they never wrote to the business when we got into stormy waters. They just put on a 2.5k charge in collection fee. Then they issued a claim against me I disputed it and defended this and because they took of the fee on the 11 hour the judge set a ccj against me. But the question is if the account is not set up in the prescribed terms is it legal?? You can't have your cake and eat it can you soletrader and ltd.:jaw:


    When they set this up, did they send you a pre-completed application form with all your details filled in ? If you can prove that you in fact run a limited company, i.e produce the certificate of incorporation, invoices, VAT Reg Cert etc etc, then that is conclusive proof that you are not a sole trader. Have you only just noticed this now at this late stage ? They (or the court) will say to you, as a business person it is up to you to check all the details are correct before signing.


    Does the application form clearly state a coporate account or is it regulated under the CCA ? When did you take out the account ? Was it pre the new CC Act ?


    I believe that thier documentation (sole trader) does not meet the prescribed terms and is therefore unenforceable. If you read the samll print very very carefully and apply good grammar to it, the way that the document reads, implies that Tradepro are not even party to thier own agreement. Thier documents are one of the worst and poorly drafted I have ever seen, and I know for a fact that they do not have the originals. They are scanned and archived and then photocopied numerous times. the copy that they sent me would not meet a CCA request in terms of legibility and general compliance. Thier app form front page has 4 sections on it which are all outlined into boxes. the section (no 3 I think) which states your credit agreement, which is encompassed by the four corners of the box, does not contain all the prescribed terms under the act, so is therefore, in my opinion, unenforceable. I have had dealings with Tradepro and used this defence. they CC'd me but it is stayed. they sent it to thier briefs, who were fairly useless, and they sent the case back to Tradepro, now that says something along the lines that I must be right if the briefs dont want to deal with it.


    I thorughly object to thier ridiculous 25% collection charge, and the reason why they knock it off just before court is the fact that they are trying it on and know that it is an illegal charge.


    I only ever intend in paying TP what I have in fact borrowed, from a moral point of view. They will never get a penny from me in charges or recovery fees nor interest.


    If I were you, you need to push the point of the incorrect status of agreement, as if it is a limited company they cannot touch your house as you have only signed on behalf of the company, and not in fact stood as guarantor nor surety for the companys' liability.


    I suggest that you go and get your own brief if possible. get someone who is experienced in CCA matters and not just a High street muppet who just wants to unload your bank balance.


    Best of luck in your plight

  12. The account is a LTD application but they set this up as a sole trader. It states clearly on the application form its LTD but they set in in my name. Didn't know this until they sent me a copy, they got a ccj on me with this but have asked a judge to look again. If it is not set up in the correct name as it states it should be, and all statements were to be made in the business name (which they didn't) as per the application. Every thing is in my name, they are trying to get a charge on my own home which is a private address. Any ideas on this?:|

  13. It's very interesting at the mo, my business manager (useless) explained to me that it was at his discretion into what would be paid from our account if funds were clearing down. He choose to pay nothing but took charges straight away from the uncleared funds for me but cleared for them. Can't stand them, wrote two letters to them the first reply was a geniric reply and the second they didn't even reply. If I did this everytime to a customer I would be broke, but then they are the modern day Dick Turpin. As they say "greed is legal":|:|:|:|:|:|

  14. I've been taken to court by these muppets, but down to not being savvy at the time. Lost it and they got a CCJ against me. Since this I've noted that the original application I sent to them was never set up as a B2B account. The application states that it should be a LTD applicaton, they set it up as a sole trader. They lie and lie and can't even set up an account. They put touching 4k as a charge in recovery but as it came closer to the Court date they retracted it as a act of goodwill, the Judge looked in there favour (how I still can't believe) for doing this. I argued that because I asked to have a Judge look at this because of these criminal fees, it still went in there favour. CDC and TradePro are all the same. They are run by monkeys and idiots. I've asked them since why the acount has been set up incorrect and they could'nt give me an answer:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:

  15. People, have been dealing with some kermits called TradePro Card Services. Lost to them in court last year, they got a CCJ against me. They are trying to put a charge on my property for the 5K. The thing is I've gone through my application form (photo copy) they sent me and only just noticed that they never set up the application correct in the first place. It should have been as a LTD application, but it states that it should be set up with all statements and cards should have the name of the business. This was never the case, they put my name on this so being a sole trader account. This is incorrect I'm not to know this as I sent of the application to them, they are the ones who have set it up wrong. Also rang the Court to speak with them about this "Charging Order" and they have confirmed that a CCJ was never actually entered against me. Anyone help!!:|

  16. Did you offer a directors guarantee?


    Assuming that the property over which the charging order is being sought is not an asset of the company then you may have a point.


    This is the issue, looking at the Ltd application form it clearing states that they should have set it up in the companies name. And all statements must have the company name at the head of them, they all had my name not "business". Because of a couple of missed payments due to clients not paying me they decided to issue a Default notice under the 1974 CCA. But it was to be a B2B account, so the question is how can they ask for the Guarantor to pay when they never set the account up in the correct application in the first place. Never noticed this until they sent me a copy of the application and noticed that they have really set this up as a "Sole Trader" account. Even thou they have our company reg number and name they went ahead and set it up in my name on a Ltd application form. This makes me mad because they levied more then 3k onto this account in collection fees etc. It was only when it went to court that they took away these charges as a gesture of good will. The Judge looked in favour of them because they did this and awarded them a CCJ against me. My arguement with the Judge is that they only did this outside the court before hand, then told the Judge at the hearing that they offered this to me. If you can help that would be brill, had enough of them as when I look back I feel as if I've been well and truly stuffed.:|:|:|:|

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      Cagger since Mar 2007
      Posts 22
      icon1.gif TradePro Card Services

      Been having hassle with these people for months. Disputed the account as I had 3,300.00 in a recovery fee slapped on a Ltd account. Been to court and due to not being clued up at the time the Judge awarded to these kermits. Offered to pay 50.00 a month, they wanted 100.00 got 50.00. They have gone for a charging order on property. Going through my paperwork and noticed that because it is a Ltd it should be set up in 'The Company name". This was never done. they set it up in mine. But it is a Ltd form and states in the 'Company' name. Is this then legal as it is not a sole trading account, and clearly states this. This to me seems a clear breach in the agreemen:mad2:


  17. Been having hassle with these people for months. Disputed the account as I had 3,300.00 in a recovery fee slapped on a Ltd account. Been to court and due to not being clued up at the time the Judge awarded to these kermits. Offered to pay 50.00 a month, they wanted 100.00 got 50.00. They have gone for a charging order on property. Going through my paperwork and noticed that because it is a Ltd it should be set up in 'The Company name". This was never done. they set it up in mine. But it is a Ltd form and states in the 'Company' name. Is this then legal as it is not a sole trading account, and clearly states this. This to me seems a clear breach in the agreemen:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:t.

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