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Posts posted by Conniff

  1. This is a shame, I just looked up a review site and got this:


    [quote]The site, whilst originally well meaning has become nothing more than a left wing echo chamber. If you dare to disagree with any member

    of the site team your post will be Immediately deleted, never to be seen or heard of again.

    Ive been a member for eleven years and am saddened to see it go this way.

    There are much better, non biased sites out there.

    Go find them, but stay away from cag.[/quote]


    And there are a lot of reviews all saying the same thing.

  2. So you can't allow a link to a legitimate site question but can allow disgusting language from tobyjugg2 who calls everyone a liar unless they agree with his extreme left wing politics


    His posts are disgusting and you allow them.


    Tesco seems to be a route for polishing Turds

    I met with an ex tesco tosspot

    Ian Duncan Smith - dunnycan Smith.

    Boris Johnson - will betray anyone and anything if there is the slightest chance of a benefit for him.

    Michael Gove a liar

    But the turds that float to the top of the Con heap 

    cons should be really crapping themselves

    There are liars and then there’s Boris Johnson and Michael Gove

    Goves credentials as a backstabbing liar

    liam fox is (or how big a bullshiner)

    Johnson the narcissistic numpty sociopath

    Frost has immediately shat all over the EU 

    Johnsons cavernous backside

    johnson the liar/frost the f***wit/rabb the rabid 'populist' shysters

    pouring sh*t into the Uk's rivers

     Handcocks Hussy

    lying Piers Morgan 

    Boj 'liar' Johnson

    ferk knows

    Johnson the liars 


  3. The EU is turning into an aggressive bully. It is incapable of reforming itself. Remaining in the EU is the high-risk strategy – not leaving it.


    • The EU is a fundamentally protectionist trading bloc
    • The EU seriously misallocates resources
    • The EU is a political project that is fundamentally anti-democratic
    • The ‘purposive’ nature of EU law
    • The folly of introducing the euro
    • The demographic ageing of the EU population
    • The EU has inadvertently encouraged regional separatist movements to develop in a number of member states
    • Increasing Euroscepticism in the EU
    • The EU have been blamed for the tension between Russia and the Ukraine


    There is massive corruption in the EU

    well illustrated by the fact that the EU’s accounts have not been approved for the last 20 years by the EU’s chief

    auditor in respect of around €100bn of expenditures.


    The EU’s negotiating behaviour over the Withdrawal Agreement revealed itself to be little better than an aggressive

    bully when it did not get its way.


    Stopping the UK from participating in Galileo, Europe’s Global Satellite Navigation System, despite our significant

    existing investment. 

    Threatening to stop our aircraft from taking off and blocking Eurostar trains from entering the Channel tunnel. 

  4. I need to post this again as there are obviously short memories.


    A sitting British Labour MP

    LABOUR'S John McDonnell has urged protesters in London at a pro-Palestinian march

    to effectively ignore the Israeli ceasefire in Gaza and continue their campaign against

    "the Israeli apartheid state".

    How disgusting is this.

    He should be arrested and charged with Anti-semitic hatred and Incitement to Violence.

    If proof was ever needed of anti-semitism in the Labour Party, this is it, there can be no denial.


    I see no mention of Hitler or WW" or Zionist, no mention or suggestion for or against any nation, all I see is a statement and my suggestion he should be arrested for it.

  5. 6 minutes ago, tobyjugg2 said:

    Some yes and no questions CON


    1. Was the holocaust both real and an atrocity against Jews?

    2. Is Israeli Bombing of Gaza an atrocity?

    3. Is supplying arms to a nation that bombs civilians an atrocity?


    That is a completely different subject and nothing to do with Labour showing themselves up via McDonnell.


    Is Hamas firing 4,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israel an atrocity ?


    PS.  France supplied Exocet missiles to Argentina which were used against British ships, will you condemn that.

  6. Ok,  some yes and no questions:


    Does my post mention John McDonnell ?

    Does my post mention anything about Hitler and WW2 ?

    Does my post mention anything about anything other than John McDonnell making an anti-semitic and racist public speech ?


    You can only answer yes/no/yes, end of.


    Now stop showing the obvious fool you are and trying to get one up because your beloved Labour has been caught out.

  7. 11 minutes ago, tobyjugg2 said:

    But your post is about you


    So if you cant or wont condemn the holocaust and its deniers as any even half way decent human being (or at least none racist bigot) would, how about condemning Johnsons government that are supplying arms to bomb civilian cities?


    [edited - HB]  My post is about John McDonnell representing the Labour party making anti-semitic and racist public speech.


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