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Posts posted by golightly

  1. Hello everyone!


    First post but signed up a month ago and with the moral support of this site, I'm going after £6431 naStYwest Bank has taken from me in the last 6 years (so thanks all - this really does make a positive difference).


    I used to have a Natwest credit card too - charges totalling under £1000 (I think) - defaulted at £5700 in late 2004 and paid it off by end of 2005. I'm now told I have credit scoring issues because of a 'delinquency' and 'write off' by my lovely new bank manager at my lovely new bank (they offered to let me pay £5000 without explaining the impact of this and I stupidly thought they were being nice to me because I was making the effort!). I have two queries re the removal of the default - if anyone can give me a bit of help before I start on this action, I'd really appreciate it:


    1. If I reclaim the charges using the template and they don't remove the default, can I then use the 'technical' route (no receipt of official default notice)? Or should I choose one option and stick to it?


    2. Can I use the bank account charges as a reason why the credit card defaulted - i.e. merge the two together with reference to the credit card default to show that Natwest as an entity created the situation I found myself in?


    Please help if you can - I've worked so hard to get back in the black and I'm on a mission re Natwest these days after some incredibly insulting comments from my bank manager - but that's another story!


    Many thanks,


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