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Posts posted by Batgirl

  1. Hi there:D


    Money went straight into a/c yesterday (Wed 25th) TWICE!!!! Dear oh dear, left hand and right hand and all that lol! Anyway tempting though it was, I did the right thing and rang Wallyfax up to take back the extra!


    With regard to their (other) blunder, this is what happened... We got a letter saying they would pay up on one a/c but not the other (which had the majority of the charges on) because they said my husband wasn't a joint a/c holder. Although I was sorting out the claim, I put the court papers in his name because he gets benefit - just thought it made it easier to get exemption from fees. Anyway, for some bizaar reason the bank had completely removed him from one of our a/cs, no trace of him being a joint a/c holder. So they said he wasn't eligible to take them to court and they would defend the case. When I phoned I was told I would have to start court proceedings again in my name:-x. Anyway I sorted it, they apologised for removing him from the a/c and didn't know why it had happened (if they don't know I'm damned if I do!). Dealt with a great bloke in the end who really worked hard to sort out the whole mess for us.


    Panic over, money received, I'm happy!

  2. Xtra Xtra, I've got Xtra!

    I've won today yahoo wahey, hoorah hoorah hoorah!

    Xtra Xtra, cauht Howard by the *!*!$$

    So happy, I'm bouncing off the walls.


    Now don't get me wrong ain't gonna waste it all (NO!)

    Just booked a little hol, yeah I've just made the call.

    Gonna fix the leak in the kitchen ceiling

    Now that I've left Halifax reeling (oh yeah)!


    Thank you, thank you to the peeps at CAG

    You have been so helpful and you've listened to me nag.

    This site is fab, this site is great,

    Now tell me...how do I donate?


    Thanks to all here, you're great people! When the money is in the bank I'll tell you what naughty Halifax did to me. Had telephone confirmation today but won't rest till it's in my account, then swiftly moved to a different bank lol!!

  3. Hi

    Well, nearly there chaps. Had a letter yesterday (Friday) offering full amount on second account. However, Halifax has made a HUGE error regarding the first account. I don't want to go into details at this stage (feeling a bit paranoid lol) but I have managed to sort it out over the phone. They are sending a revised offer letter which I should get early next week. I so want to celebrate and yet I can't until their blunder has been put right and the new settlement letter is in my sticky mitts!


    Once everything's been sorted I will let you know what the error was, as well as letting you know I've won of course! Oh so near and yet so far away:x.

  4. Practice makes perfect deadlykiss, I did some 'trial runs' too! The last time I went near a court was on a school trip when I was about 12...scared me to death! Stick with this site and you cannot fail. Letting others check it first is a good idea. It feels great once you hand it in;) .


    Speaking of courts, I phoned the court this morning and H/fax acknowledged my claim yesterday. So I guess no need for a 7 more days letter! So much for my gut feeling that they wouldn't respond. So by my reckoning that takes me upto 2nd August (deemed served 5th July plus further 28 days to file defence).


    I'm feeling surprisingly calm. Lol, it won't last!

  5. Batgirl is having the same temptation ;)

    Lololol you're not wrong there Moneyhelp!! Got a leaky roof to fix at home, wanna book a holiday...wanna wanna wanna..aagghh! *Ahem..*


    HIIIII Overflow!

    Crikey what a time you have been having, but I really admire you, honestly I do. I sat up until 4am or there abouts reading and re-reading your thread, and others. I went all wobbly when I phoned the H/fax, and to actually refuse money from them felt SOOOO wrong lol, and yet so right! I don't know too much about CI but the way I see it you most deffo did not shoot yourself in the foot.


    Gonna wander over to my thread now as I have some news (thanks to your suggestion:) ).


    Chin up!

  6. Hi Overflow


    Thanks very much for the info, I am going straight round to your thread right now to have a read! Doh I never thought of ringing the court up. Can't see the wood for the trees at the moment, my head's all over the place! I'll do that in the morning, cheers.

  7. Hi there Helen - just had a look at your thread. You seem to be doing just fine. You are doing right, reading other people's experiences, read as much as you can! I was completely baffled by the N1, but this site is absolutely brilliant. I have followed everything on here to the letter (quite a few letters now actually lol!). I'm feeling anxious (hence my post at 2am, can't sleep!) yet, dare I say excited at the same time. I'll keep an eye on how you are getting on. We will be celebrating within weeks of each other I'm sure;) You've got all the support on here you could ever need. Good luck to you too.

  8. Just checked accounts. They STILL haven't removed the money from the first a/c. and despite phoning and sending decline letters they have deposited their good flippin will offer into the other a/c! I want the other half plus interest! Do they know what they are doing?????


    If the money remains in the accounts by Thursday when I send the 7 day letter, do I keep it or what? Do I say in the next letter something like, 7 more days or else but I'm keeping this money in part settlement now?


    Am returning to stresshead mode this morning!

    • Haha 1
  9. Morning Dusary


    Ooh telly sounds fab, you certainly don't want to lose that! Hmm, plasma...maybe I'll add that to my wishlist now lol!


    Well I've calmed down now, just waiting. Halifax has until Thurs 19th to acknowledge court papers. After that I plan to send a '7 more days' letter if not heard anything. Waddya reckon, a good move?? Think it was Buffy's thread where I read they pay up pretty soon after that. Just hope it works for me. Ah well...


    Oh and is it ok to send the 7 more days letter actually on Thursday?


    Questions questions, I know I'm a pain:rolleyes:

  10. Hi MoneyHelp

    Thanks sooo much for replying. Really feeling anxious right now. I sent letter from here (no 5) along lines of "we respectfully decline your offer...you may not know we issued court proceedings...we wish to stress we don't accept it in F&F settlement...if the amount is put into our a/c we authorise you to take it out...alternatively shld u wish to settle in full pls forward the full balance of claim".


    I am tempted to put it into para a/c but if I do and they try to take it back I'm stuffed! This will prob happen again in a few days with the 2nd a/c. It seems to me they are so far behind with things, but why did he say he couldn't see the court forms? I don't reckon they will acknowledge court until after the deadline if they are so late in replying to my letters.

  11. So sorry to nag but is there anyone out there who can help?


    I have just phoned the Halifax. Person dealing with 1st a/c not there so spoke to someone else. I explained about the offer, he said it's "open to negotiation". I said ok you've offered £1296, but we want £2572 + £451.85 (interest) totalling £ 3023.85. He said we won't pay interest unless instructed to do so by a court. I said papers deemed served on 5th don't you have a copy? He said he couldn't get onto the screen to check. I politely said ok thanks anyway we will leave it up to the court.


    My heart was pounding but I remained calm on phone (I think), BUT I forgot to ask if the money deposited today would stay there or would they take it out once they read the decline letter? Hubs and I now arguing cos he wants to phone but I won't let him cos he's short in the patience dept bless him!



  12. Morning!

    Dusary - wish I'd have done what you did now, and accept the offer as part payment....here's an update...


    We are claiming on 2 a/cs both active. Received a letter for first a/c on 7th offering £1296 (half amount) goodwill gesture. Sent letter 5 refusing, telling them maybe they didn't realise we had served papers on them etc. Sent it same day (special del no less!!) rec'd day after. I was gonna phone but chickened out! Today I see they have put £1296 into the 1st a/c! What now? Should I be brave and phone them? Letter 5 says we authorise them to take it out again but I don't really want them to now!


    Got same letter for the 2nd a/c yesterday (different person dealing with it). Again I sent letter 5 (recorded, skint y/sterday!). So it's a matter of time before that partial payment goes in too (offered £385 instead of £780). Postal strike won't help.


    What on earth do I do?? Is it time to make a couple of phone calls?:???: Please help, I feel sick!!

  13. Hi Lepster

    I had exactly the same as you. Claiming on 2 accounts. Got goodwill offer letter on one account last week, so replied with letter 5. Got same for 2nd a/c yesterday so have just done the same again. I didn't know if the letters were in response to my N1. After running it by a few people on here I realised that those goodwill letters were just a very late response to my LBA! Halifax has until 19th July to respond to my Court claim.


    Best wishes

  14. Hi Armillariahoneydew!


    Can I call you Arm for short, or Honey?:D Firstly, I hope Rotherham is managing to get back on its feet after the terrible floods.


    I can understand your concerns about your first LBA, although the track and trace isn't all it's cracked up to be. When did you send the second one? The bank has 14 days to reply so maybe you will just have time to file before you go away.


    Stay positive!

  15. Thank you Michael


    So, do you think it's worth phoning them? I've been looking at the rejection of offer letters and trying to work out which is the best one to send. Letter 5 looks the most appropriate. I don't know if this offer letter is an overdue response to my LBA or if it is a response to my court papers being issued, although it doesn't mention anything about court. The letter says I should phone the man if I don't accept. Maybe it's worth taking a deep breath and giving it a shot?? Like you said I can just politely refuse. When you mention up-to-date figures do you mean total of charges, interest and daily interest accruing since court claim started?


    Sorry to whitter on!:rolleyes:

  16. Hi again


    Received court letter today. Deemed served 5th July, Halifax has until 19th July to acknowledge. However, the plot thickens...


    I haven't heard a jot from the Halifax since I sent my LBA, that is until today. I have just received this letter...


    "Thank you for your telephone call of 1st June about the charges which have been applied to your account (I haven't made any telephone call)...I have reviewed your a/c...pleased to say we offer £1296, gesture of goodwill, full and final settlement blah...To accept you don't need to take any further action, payment will be credited next 14 days...If you don't wish to accept our offer please return this payment and contact me on the above number. YS, Perry Holmes Customer Relations Manager"


    My hubs thinks this is an acknowledgement of court letter, but I don't think it is. It says I phoned them 1st June but I didn't! Do you think it's a letter in response to my LBA at long last? What's anyone else done in this situation? Shall I phone Perry or send rejection letter? Or accept as part payment? Feeling a bit nervous now, especially at the thought of negotiating over the phone.


    Help please!:confused:

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