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Posts posted by mellymum

  1. Thank you soooooo much everyone! (smileys arent working but Im sooooo happppyyy!)Ill put £50 down, you never know, going to get that to the PO now. Its two wins really for HSBC as my next door neighbour is on the same timescale and Ive been helping her do hers and she has also just received an offer for the full amount.Oh and her hubby recieved an offer for the full amount 3 days ago, he's with Barclays but our court date was the same for all of us.

  2. Ahh brilliant, what shall I put about the amount to keep my mouth shut?? PM me if like, I havent got a clue though? Thank you so much for your help, and thank if you can find the link about the Wasted Costs order.


    Yehhhh Im so happy, it wont sink in until I have it though, Im going to havwe to add to the letter that I will proceed to court if not recieved by the 25th... just to make sure!



  3. Ive won I won Ive won!!!!!

    My god Im glad its over!!!!!!!!!!


    Full amount, cant say how much, well I havent signed the clause of confidentiality yet!!! On that subject, do I have to agreed to that bit?


    Mainly, I am still going to carry on with the court date on 25th until I have my money, can I claim these wasted costs claim?? I spent hours preparing my court bundle, countless nights sat reserching on here what I needed... does anyone know if its worth going for or am I just being greedy????

  4. How does this sound?? Ammended 'nudging letter'


    I have submitted my Witness Statement and supporting evidence as per the Judges General Direction for today’s date. I have been informed you have not yet submitted your court bundle, only your original defence used in the Notice of Transfer of Proceedings.

    If I do not receive a copy of your Witness Statement and supporting evidence I will be proceeding to apply for your defence to be struck out.

    I am mindful of the vast number of claims with which you are currently dealing. In order to more speedily resolve this matter, I am willing to accept the sum of £1,262.87. I do not agree to waive my rights in respect of any other actions, nor do I agree to a clause of confidentiality.


    I hope to hear from you very soon so that a reasonable conclusion to this claim might be achieved. I am sure that the courts would approve of our settling this matter in a timely manner and without their further intervention.

  5. My court bundle/witness statement was due in today, court date 25th June. Nighbour took my bundle down for me with hers as she is on same timeline. The court have said that HSBC dont have to send in a witness statement or defence as they have done in way back on MCOL? (this was the standard blurb not particular to my case used on the Notice of Transfer of Proceedings). Has anyone heard of this before? Why is it that I can used my original claim I entered on MCOL as surely if I hadnt entered anything today, I bet HSBC would of won?


    This cant look good on HSBC if they're trying to worm their way out of submitting anything, the directions clearly stated that both parties were to submit their witness statement and supporting evidence by 4.00 today.


    Doesnt make sense?? I havent heard anything from DG at all to date.



  6. He said he's going to buy me a prezzie as Ive been the one on here doing the research and typing/printing the letters!His court bundle is due Monday so I said after reading posts on here, he should proceed with getting his court bundle in anyway until he physically has the money.

    It just feels like sods law, the ones who sit back and let someone else do the work get settled earlier than those who are sat at the PC until 1.00am. My husband got the offer one week after he should of started MCOL but he couldnt be bothered to fill out the details!

  7. Well, all done and copied! 3 nice looking packs ready to go. Hope it scares the hell out of DG when they get this nice looking bundle, its 105 pages long!


    Some reassurance though, I know its not HSBC but me, hubby and neighbours have been doing this together, HSBC settled with hubby b4 MCOL stage, and neighbour's hubby got a full offer from Barclays today. When's it my turn??? :rolleyes:

  8. Thanks for all that, it looks pretty much what I have already set up and read through in a folder ready to print off. I am including July 2002 and June 2003 T&C so I will probably leave it at that with a note that I can get hold of the 'in-between' ones if required. (Im sure Ill think of better wording than that when it comes to writing the accompanying note!!!!)

  9. Ohhh I wanna kiss you! What a lifesaver! :p


    I have been appealing left right and centre outside of here for these! I managed to copy and paste but drag down method and have just pasted them into word.


    Thank you thank you thank you! Keep this thread bumped everyone and let stax68's hard work go to great use! Coommoonn HSBC! :cool:

  10. I know its 200 pages per copy, you need 3 copies, but mine is only about 100 pages at the very most, and I plan to double-side as much as I can when it comes to photocopying it. My court bundle I down loaded is 36 pages after re-formatting, 12 pages of bank statements, 2 pages witness statement, 1 page schedule, 2 pages Macnamera interview, 1 page BBC cut, 12 pages extracts from OFT report, 5 pages statement of evidence so thats only 71 pages, so dont panic, everyone keeps telling me I have everything!The only thing I dont have is my t&c if anyone knows the whereabouts of April 2002????????

  11. Hiya, already been through it and re-formatted it cos Im fussy! What do you think about post 72 about the Macnamera interview?? I guess alot of more experienced / informative people like yourself and Celicaman are quite busy answering other peoples questions... I can be a bit of a pest sometimes! :-)

  12. Hiya, thanks for replying! That has reasurred me a lot! I hope they wont pick up on it as it would cost them more anyway, but for what its worth Im happy with the original figure, its my fault anyway! I cant imagine they cross check everybody's table anyway, its would take them forever.


    Im just concerned about the court bundle now, want to get that right and not make any last minute mistakes. Might get CAB to look at my bundle as well for me.

  13. Does anyone know when the collected T&Cs will be made available, I have to submit my witness statement and supporting evidence (so Im just sending the whole court bundle) in for the 11th June. I opened my account in April 2002. Unfortunately Ive moved 3 times and lost track of old paper work so Im having to rely on you guys that someone else out there has a copy!

  14. Well luckily where I work at the Library, the CAB office for Weymouth is in our grounds, so I got someone from the CAB to look at my letter and he said it was great. He used to proof read government documents so he knew his stuff! He had complete faith that we would win our money. If the bank doesnt turn up at court I win by default. I mentioned the Lloyds case where the bank didnt turn up but still won and he feels it was just one that slipped through the net.


    Gave me a bit more confidence to keep going!

  15. How does this sound? It has come to my attention that as of 11/04/07, that an Allocation Questionaire may not be required in this case. I am mindful of the vast number of claims with which you are currently dealing. In order to more speedily resolve this matter, I am willing to accept the sum of £1,261.02. I do not agree to waive my rights in respect of any other actions, nor do I agree to a clause of confidentiality. Could I also request the following information so I can include your response in my court preparation regarding the charges: a) If such charge is alleged to be a pre-estimate of your defendants loss incurred by my actions (whether or not such action is treated as a breach of contract between the parties), can you provide a breakdown showing that this was a proper estimate of such loss. b) If such charge is not alleged to be a pre-estimate of your defendents loss incurred by my actions then can you provide a breakdown showing the basis upon which the charge was calculated to show that the charge was fair and reasonable. Additionally, where there has been any event in my account history over this period which has required manual intervention by any member of your defendants staff, or any other person, I require disclosure of any indication or notes which have either caused or resulted in that manual intervention, or other evidence of that manual intervention in relation to my banking business with your defendant. If you are unable to supply this data because there has been no such manual intervention, then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response. I hope to hear from you very soon so that a reasonable conclusion to this claim might be achieved. I am sure that the courts would approve of our settling this matter in a timely manner and without their further intervention. For your records, I enclose another copy of my schedule of charges. I look forward to hearing from you.

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