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Posts posted by Boilerman

  1. Hi all,

    My dentist seems reluctant to offer caps/crowns on my teeth even though I'm in pain, Practically all my teeth have worn down over the years, I estimate that I have lost 2/3 mm off all my teeth. It started when I had a bridge fitted that was made incorrectly; then rather than get it corrected  he filed the top off a perfectly good tooth that the cracked and had to be extracted .


    Question is can I get crowns fitted free, to help make my mouth more comfortable. My dentist seems to think not and wants to charge £1000s to put it right





  2. Hi thanks for the info, I'm still struggling,

    I have a letter of discharge so discharge was one calendar year of bankruptcy.


    What is confusing for me is that there are notices of default with the CRAs that are after the date of my bankruptcy but before I was discharged.  I was under the impression that default notices can't be issued after the bankruptcy date.  I could do with some clarification on this if possible.


    I have written to the CRAs and they tell me it is up to the client (My  Creditors) to add remove entries.  However if those entries should be there how can I bypass the (creditors and insist the CRAs remove the entries?


    Sorry if I seem a bit hapless it is worrying me as the years are creeping up on me and I don't want any issues on my credit report should anything happen to me.


    Thanks again


    Kind regards


  3. Hi Andy, I applied online but was required to go to court and and give them relevant paperwork and feel


    All my credit card card debts for three cards no longer show, just O2 for "loan" and outstanding amount for service charge,


    I disputed this at the time as I was able to pay the service charge monthly call charges if you like, but they refused and disconnected my number as they pulled the plug i didn't consider that I was liable for any future charges. 


    FGA have just today renewed the entry on equifax, the CRAs should Chase this in my opinion as it appears to me to be a false entry.

  4. Hi all, spent the last hour navigating round the site for answers :-(

    forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this enquiry.


    In October 2014, due to ill health and having to give up a very well paid job, I couldn't satisfy my debts, before illness I could easily afford car payments etc.  I was advised  by my IFA that bankruptcy would be the only way forward. March 2015, I went through the process of declaring myself bankrupt, a very soul destroying process I have to say.


    I recently had occasion to check my credit score through Transunion, Equifax and Experian, and find that most of my old debts have disappeared from my report apart from 2 from O2 and one from FGA (for car loan),  They appear to have issued continuous default notices and renewing the entry every year. 


    The first default notice from FGA appeared 2 months after the Bankruptcy, and the notices from O2 7 Months after,  I have written to FGA twice and have had no reply and O2 want a certificate of Discharge which cost £70, something I can;t afford.  I've been trying for weeks to resolve this an getting nowhere, can anyone help please

  5. Hello all,


    I bought a prepaid funeral plan from Pride Planning Trust through Prosperous Life.

    I had a call from Pride Planning today saying my plan had been discontinued and did I want to upgrade for and extra £500.

    I refused saying we had a contract between us and now you have breached the contract by informing me that my plan has been discontinued.

    They offered to cancel and give me a full refund, without interest.

    Can anyone offer me some advice and how I stand legally?




  6. Hi All,


    Just a little advice please.


    I had a works pension that was frozen some 8 years before I got married. My wife and I are going trough divorce and she seems interested in some of this pension.



    Question is as the pension was paid into and frozen before we married is she entitled to some of it?


    I am retired and disabled and claiming pension credit + enhanced PIP and Enhanced Mobility. the pension she is looking to have part of pays £42.27/Month



    She is 58 and due to retire at 67. She has a work p\lace pension and she earns around 1,500/month her new partner earns about the same. wondering also if I am entitled to Spousal award, not that I want to claim any of it, just use it as a lever to get her off my back.



    Thanks in anticipation




  7. Hi all,


    I'm a little bit confused, possibly an A.G.E. thing, and I can't seem to find any answers here, again, possibly an A.G.E thing


    I have a very small fund with an occupational pension, it will pay £54 P/A, or if I take a one of Small Triviality Payment the amount would be £1,448.05 less TAX of £217.20 making a total £1,230.85.


    I am Claiming Pension Credit of £740.00/4 weekly, and two other pensions one pays me £42.15/month the other £80.77/month.


    The are notes in the paperwork that refers to:-

    * Lifetime Allowance declaration

    * Percentage of standard lifetime allowance that the total benefit taken represents


    Also I don't have a big enough private income to attract inland revenue payments, even with the cash sum I could take, question will I still have to pay tax on the amount?


    any help would be very much appreciated





  8. Hi all,


    I've tried searching for an answer, however I can't find anything definitive, so here goes:-


    as I understand it,the NCD is for the person, I say this, as if you have an accident you (the person) lose your NCD regardless of what car, van, lorry (unless you have a protected NCD, or would affect your NCD


    Also reinforced by the fact that if someone driving your car on a TP insurance on their policy, you don't lose your NCD.


    now, then, if the NCD is for the vehicle and not the insured owner, why, when you change your car do you not have to start the NCD process all over again.


    The whole insurance industry appears to be one big [problem].


    I'd really like someone to explain in simple terms what this is all about......Or if you believe that car insurance should be for the driver, maybe lobby the insurance companies to be realistic and sensible......Is this legal even.


    Why should I, a driver with no accidents or claims should pay £195/year for the car I have now, but a second car would cost me nearly £1k. I shan't be driving the two cars at the same time, and whatever car I wont be driving will be locked up securely


    Comments explanations would be very much appreciated. is there some way I can get a better fairer deal??



    Thanks all



  9. Hi All,


    I had was involved in a RTA back in January; happy to say not serious and not my fault.



    Third Party admitted liability, so I made a direct claim to their insurers, who promptly arranged for repairs to my car, arranged a hire car, and paid out a sum to my passenger in injury compensation. I didn’t make a personal injury claim at the time as I didn’t experience any effects that I could attribute to the accident.


    However just about a week later I did experience a stiff neck and shoulder pain, also pain down my arm, I knew that it must’ve been as a direct result of the accident, but I was under the impression that I would be out of time to make a claim, so I put it down to experience and forgot all about it.


    I had a call recently from an accident claims specialist who said that the insurers put aside an amount for injury compensation, I did explain that I thought it would be too late, however the guy was very persistent, so I agreed to make a claim through them.


    I was passed on to their legal team who took details. I then got this letter from them via email, however something appears to be “Not Quite Right” :-


    Dear Mr Murphy


    Re Your Accident on 29th January 2015


    Please note as requested, we have arranged After the Event legal expenses insurance to cover you throughout this case. On the information currently available to us, we believe, that a contract of insurance with AmTrust Europe Legal is appropriate to cover your opponent’s charges and your own disbursements in case you lose.


    What this means is that if your claim is unsuccessful, the insurance then takes effect to protect you, as previously discussed the premium amount is deferred and costs £350.00 which is payable by you upon conclusion of your claim as it is no longer recoverable from your opponent since the government changed the rules with effect from 1st April 2013.

    If you lose the premium is still not payable. Full details are contained in the insurance policy documents.


    It is generally this type of cover which we recommend; we do not have any financial interest in recommending to you AmTrust Europe Legal.


    We only select from a limited number of insurers for After the Event legal expense insurance contracts but we are not contractually obliged to conduct our business in this way. You can ask us for a list of the insurers that we use.



    Yours Faithfully



    Shall I tell them to go do one, or do think it’s OK

    Thank for your help


  10. .

    Duplicate post, deleted


    Hi BazzaS,


    Thanks once again for your reply


    The shed is sitting on a concrete patio, it is not fixed, and is officially regarded by Lincs Planning officer as a smokers room, and by the claimant as a store, there is some confusion here, as I believe the claimant is being guided by his solicitor, but he is not telling the truth nor the full story





  11. You are confusing some key issues : components of a contract, and if a contract can be verbal.


    A contract can be verbal (for most things), but a contract involves "consideration" : a gift doesn't involve consideration so, a gift isn't a contract.


    Regardless, a contract for sale of land must be in (signed) writing.

    A gift of land ( as an "other disposition of an interest in land") must also be evidenced by signed writing.

    Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 S2



    Thanks for your reply,

    This is not a gift in the sense of gift, nor is any land involved, The guy put, what amounts to a large wooden shed on my patio, he left and said I could keep it as,

    1, he couldn't afford to take it away, and

    2. he had nowhere to take it to.


    So if this is not a contract of transfer of ownership, what would it be, and after he gave and I agreed, has he the right to rescind this agreement without consultation or agreement?


    This is dragging out, I have all the time in the world to resolve it, I am considering suggesting that she take the mater to litigation, but I'd like to be sure that I have legal baring.


    kind regards



  12. Hello all who have contributed to this post, it is still ongoing;


    The other side's solicitor seems to be jumping around all over the place, and appears that she is flaying in deep water; as follows


    She appears to think the cabin was sold to me, however I have never indicated that this is the case, in all correspondence I state that the cabin was given to me, there is a verbal agreement also a text message from the other party saying "you can have the cabin and the contents", at first I refused saying that it was his and that I wanted it removed. then I have further texts saying that I can have it, I replied "yes OK if that's what you want".


    As I interpret the law on contracts, both verbal and written, it doesn't necessarily have to be a formal document, therefore am I correct in saying that as he has given me the cabin and I have accepted, that legally he has passed title to me?


    Your continual replies and advice and very much appreciated



  13. Boilerman, in this situation I don't think anyone would look too closely at the 'last known address' requirement. Since you know he is no longer living at the cabin that slightly defeats the purpose. A common sense approach is required. As long as you have taken reasonable efforts to bring the notice to his attention that should be fine.


    Court papers are another issue. The address for service of court documents should be mentioned on the claim form.


    So posting to his solicitor would be they correct thing to do, as we don't have an address for him

  14. Hi Steampowered,


    Just for clairication, it says in the schedule that notice should sent to the last known address, in these circumstances the last known address was the cabin that is situated on my patio, as far as we can gather with enquiries made he is presently of no fixed abode, so would I be correct in sending the notice and/or court papers to this last known address, in the hope that he has instructed royal mail to forward to another address?





  15. I don't understand why he would contact a solicitor about getting the goods back, if you are asking him to collect the goods anyway? Can you explain this - are you refusing to let him collect until he pays the debt?


    If you want to sell the goods you need to serve a proper written notice headed Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977, containing all the details mentioned in the legislation I am linking to you. Review http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/32/section/12 and http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/32/schedule/1.



    Hi Steampowered, We have given him 60 days to collect goods or they will be disposed of at action, as he wasn't a tenent, either as a "Live in domestic" or a business user, I'm unsure as to weither TORTS applies, some clarification on these points would be helpful





  16. Squatting and the Law: https://www.gov.uk/squatting-law


    Hi Stu and thanks for the link, not sure if he can be classed as a squatter, the crux of the matter here I believe is that this guy abused my hospitality, and now is unwilling to pay moneies he owes by way of electricty charges and for the inconvenience of siting a cabin on my patio, also none paymet of telephone charges..


    I have given the guy 60 days to remove his stock from my land, this notice expires 30 June, he has since informed his solicitor that he wants everything from this cabin, however we have written evidence that he passed ownership of the cabin and it's contents to me the reason being, I believ, is that the cost of remove the structure would be and amount in the region of £700 +VAT.


    As far as Propriety Estoppel is concern I am not concerned about as it will be impoosible for him to prove in a court of law, as it was made absolutily clear that it was purly a temporary arrangement. Also he left of his own free will, and has to date, not returned.


    The stumbling block for me, is the disposal of this so called stock, a) he has passed ownership of the cabin and it;s contents to me, b) I have given 60 days notice to collect the cabin and the stock before he passed ownership.


    I have evidence that he is not tellig the full and truthful facts to his solicitor; for example, the mobile phone is in my name, although he is the sole user of it, he says in a statement to his solicitor that the bill hasn't been paid for three month and he knows this because he contatcted the service provider, this he can't do as any detals from the account will only be discussed with the account holder and there is a "magic word" that needs to be given that only I know, in addition I have the receipts and invoices from the service provider that shows that it has been paid.





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