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Fred Bassett

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Posts posted by Fred Bassett

  1. My daughter bought a new flat, made by Barratt homes about 18 months ago. Last week she had a letter from some solicitors called FS Legal about a "Leasehold Action Group for your Development", essentially warning her of the potential problem of a ground rent clause which may make life difficult in the future.


    I have the agreement but can't work out if she has a problem or not. Does anyone know what to look for? who could point me in the right direction?


    Many thanks.


    Regards to all.



  2. In the great days of the British Empire, a new commanding officer was sent to a jungle outpost to relieve the retiring colonel. After welcoming his replacement and showing the usual courtesies (gin and tonic, cucumber sandwiches etc) that protocol decrees, the retiring colonel said, "You must meet my Adjutant, Captain Smithers, he’s my right-hand man, he's really the strength of this office. His talent is simply boundless."


    Smithers was summoned and introduced to the new CO, who was surprised to meet a humpbacked, one eyed, toothless, hairless, scabbed and pockmarked specimen of humanity, a particularly unattractive man less than three feet tall.


    "Smithers, old man, tell your new CO about yourself."


    "Well, sir, I graduated with honours from Sandhurst, joined the regiment and won the Military Cross and Bar after three expeditions behind enemy lines. I've represented Great Britain in equestrian events, and won a Silver Medal in the middleweight division of the Olympics. I have researched the history of....."


    Here the colonel interrupted, "Yes, yes, never mind that Smithers, he can find all that in your file.


    Tell him about the day you told the witch doctor to **** off."

  3. Congratulations mate,


    I followed your thread as I was in a similar situation to you and I'm pleased to report that my two accounts (one with Halifax) both joined the ranks of the statute barred in November last year.


    Just got one case left now with Lowell who are threatening all manner of things as usual, however that agreement has no prescribed terms either and will be SB in about 2 years so hopefully it will go the same way


    Cheers Sam, good luck with your fight with Lowell.





  4. It was 4 altogether twoman. Lloyds TSB, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and MBNA. No enforceable agreements -saved me a fortune, but it's not something I'm particularly proud of on reflection. I'm still paying 3 accounts off and there were 2 others paid off years back, but it will all be sorted in about 6 months and it's not hurting me much. I'm glad it's pretty much over.





  5. What gets me is it not scroungeing when people or there perrants have paid into the system all there lives its realy your money or hower money there given us back


    Why should anybody be entitled to something just because their parents paid "into the system"? How does that give you a free ride? If somebody has worked and paid their national insurance/taxes or if they are unable to, for reasons of disability, then they should be entitled to receive welfare. If they haven't and they are perfectly able to work, why should they receive welfare without giving something back in return? By that I mean an honest attempt to get paid work and stand on their own two feet. What's wrong with that?

  6. This:


    A guy is walking along a beach when he comes across a lamp partially buried in the sand.


    He picks up the lamp and gives it a rub.


    A genie appears and tells him he has been granted one wish.


    The guy thinks for a moment and says, "I want to live forever."


    "Sorry," said the genie, "I'm not allowed to grant eternal life."


    "OK, then, I want to die after a Labour government balances the budget and eliminates the debt."


    "You crafty little bastard," said the genie.

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