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Posts posted by Bona

  1. In the banking code of pracises the banks must treat customers fairly . i realise that charges have been deemed fair but the use of them on my account is totaly unfair they return cheques and charge one day when the funds are uncleared but the next they will pay something else when the funds are still not cleared. They also have returned a cheque when there were clear funds transfered into the account before the start of business OK should have been in the night before but one day they follow one rule the next a different one thats what I deem as unfair

  2. Under most motgagess there is a clause imdeminifying them against fees. These Must be reasonable and what is reasonable is open for interpretation we got a lot of fees back but ours were in a legue of there own. They have to give you a breakdown you need to ask them for a breakdown of all 3rd party costs applied to your account when you have those you need to look and see what is reasonable having been through a cost court I can probally help. Fees cannot be added to the areas but have to be put on one side and accounted for seperatly you should have been told this and are only repayable on completeion of the mortgage Thats how I understand it anyway if they dont add it to the mortgage then Im not sure about interest usually a court will say cost in the event which means at the end the cost are sorted ( no interest is added at that point. I think that if you go back to court you need to bring the costs matter up. addedd to the security means that if you sell they have to be paid than you need to look at your agreement but I think that you will have to pay reasonable cost at the end of the case or the mortgage

    Let me know if I can help further

  3. The FSA have ordered GMAC to pay back the DD fees which were incurred after 2005 when the FSA came into operation. Before that there was a different body supervising I dont see why if it was wrong in October 2005 to have been charged that it must have been in September 2005 and before . I therefor intend to seek back those charges although many could be said to be out of time I believe that it becomes possible as we only found this out on the publishing of the FSA final notice. I sugest other people do the same I should be able to claim in the small claims court. I have tried every other way of getting these charges back but GMAC refuse to answer letters.

  4. Thanks Guys

    Problem this virus closes down your computor so you cant down load programmes to get rid of it

    Didnt give any credit card details Im not that stupid took it to a shop locally and they sorted it in a couple of hours cost me £70.00 quid money

    Well spent they had had 8 in that week with same virus think it came in on Pypak

  5. In this life some people get it rougher than others, NO One nd I mean NO one has a klfe free off traumer unhapiness and stress , every one goes through good patches and bad patches and life is what you can gain from it and ow you can change it . You can always look on the side of being hard done by take control.

    Take care

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