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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/23 in Posts

  1. I've actually got Covid myself at the moment! Had it for about 8 days now. I've had the booster too (as I work in a healthcare setting). I know the plural of anecdote is not data - however for me, and all my compadrés who also have it and have had boosters (Moderna mostly) it is nothing more than an inconvenience - heavy cold vibes. I have two friends who declined the vax (not rabid anti-vaxxers, just didn't trust the government - on the same line as that old quote from Reagan - "there's two things you never want to hear when you get a knock on your front door - 'I'm from the government; I'm here to help!' " Ha! I respect their c
    3 points
  2. ive made a few changes to put it correct and back to our std defence copy and paste it into mcol now. you do NOT file their POC in red.
    1 point
  3. Im also a bit confused about the whole installation, cement boards are usually fitted first, UFH fitted to boards, and then covered with 2 coats of latex smoothing compound. Floor covering on top. I'll be honest I didn't read the entire post so maybe I missed something. To me, screed is sand and cement. Latex smoothing compound (often called self leveling) is often mistakenly called screed also. I'm just putting my 2 pence worth in
    1 point
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