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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/11/21 in Posts

  1. Hi As promised donation just made via PayPal thanks for all your time and advice it is very much appreciated. Thanks G
    3 points
  2. All that being said I am very sorry you lost what I thought was a strong case. Interestingly Jazzhands has a case going though court at the moment and at post 77 you will see that the Judge said that the case will probably rest on the supremacy of contract. Jazzhands obviously has a more clued up Judge than you had.
    2 points
  3. If Dave sends me a speculative invoice I don't appeal to him. I may in passing tell him to refer to the reply given in Arkell vs Pressdram, or more likely ignore him. I do not validate him or his bogus claim by appealing to some stooge or his mate Clive. Just because barrowboy was gainfully employed by such an organisation is in no way evidence of their legitimacy and what is more likely happening here is a case of Stockholm syndrome. It can't possibly be that my previous employer has no real basis in law to need to exist. I believe the advice barrowboy has given is the beginnings of an excellent defence should NCP ever be bothe
    1 point
  4. 'We're deeply concerned': UK suspends flights from six countries amid fears over new COVID 'super variant' UK.YAHOO.COM Health Secretary warns the variant may make vaccines less ef South Africa to be put on England’s travel red list over new Covid variant
    1 point
  5. Please scan redact and upload a copy of the court order. Andy
    1 point
  6. Scientists warn of new Botswana variant of Covid with ‘horrific’ number of mutations UK.YAHOO.COM Only 10 cases have been reported worldwide so far Slovaks lock down to slow world's highest COVID infection rate UK.YAHOO.COM Slovakia went into a two-week lockdown on Thursday, as the country with one of the EU's lowest vaccination rates reported a critical situation in...
    1 point
  7. So you clearly have a non POFA notice , which is why NCP will cancel as they don't fight cases like this. Now if it was someone like APCOA Parking even with the above appeal they wouldn't cancel on first appeal but then would fold @ POPLA, its just the way certain parking firms Rather then giving a blanket answer to all parking ticket appeals each one should be tailored to how parking firms react. I mean you wouldn't try the above appeal with any IPC firm as it wouldn't work. @dx100uk said you shouldn't trust newbie advice etc, but we had a site team person @honeybee13say they had never heard of Norwich Parking Cont
    1 point
  8. I am going to disagree with the advice above Several "long term" members on here don't believe people should appeal tickets however that advice is simply incorrect and they would rather people face a court claim instead , which is actually very bad advice. Just because someone has been on here for a long time does not mean their advice is correct all of the time and in this case you have been given the correct advice and a winning appeal against an easy to beat parking firm You have a PCN which does not comply with POFA NCP like a few other BPA members don't contest appeals when they are challenged on the issues around no keep
    1 point
  9. You have zero chance of The National printing a negative story about RAK bank chasing an overseas debt absconder!
    1 point
  10. The judge was wrong in law. primacy of contract means that there is a contract between the landowner/managing agent and the tenant. That does not allow VCS to overrule the lease agreement of the tenant. Davey v UKPC proved that. That was a case back in 2012 or 2013 listed on CAG where the tenant took UKPC Court for trespass and won. Of course that would depend on the lease that your tenant had with the land owner but I doubt it was produced in Court. Normally a Judge would know that but there are always some who were off on the day that supremacy of contract was taught. I did suggest some time ago that you
    1 point
  11. Well it seems they did not even look at their own instructions. Tyre Age - How Old Are My Tyres? - Quick Kwik Fit Guide | Kwik Fit WWW.KWIK-FIT.COM Old tyres can begin to crack and perish making them dangerous. Identify the age of your tyres with this simple guide from...
    1 point
  12. Hi everyone Sorry for not posting but i have been quite poorly and been off my feet but just a thanks for your assistance with this case and i will be making a donation shortly. Hopefully this post will help others in the same situation. Thanks again G
    1 point
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