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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in Posts

  1. Something positive. I joined this site a year ago and had substantial financial problems and was advised elsewhere to sign up for a DRO or file for bankruptcy. Following advice given on this site I was able to get a notorious DCA off my back, settle my most worrying debt with a large discount and get back over £8k in miss sold PPI. I am now in a much better position and will be debt free next year. Keep up the good work and a very big thank you from me.
    3 points
  2. Thanks, the fees changed on 3rd August to £14. I paid over the phone and they confirmed it was the new fee for N245.
    1 point
  3. OP added that (rather important!) information in post #3 - "I have an overlap of 3 days where I must start at the new job but my manager here refuses to give me annual leave for those days. "
    1 point
  4. Andyorch & Dx CLAIM DISMISSED!!!!!!!!! I held it together!!! So much to take in & so many questions asked i cannot remember them all. Judge was very fair indeed but ultimately I got off on a technicality!! The Judge said that himself that as Lowell had not produced the correct paperwork!! Advocate turned up for them!! He was also annoyed and you could tell that with the supplementary WS outside the timeframe. I do thank you very much for your help & i will donate later today.
    1 point
  5. You are writing one letter. It takes five minutes. "I would like to take my eave on xx, I ammunwilling to move my end date of employment having given notice correctly. Please advise how you plan to resolve this matter,"
    1 point
  6. Just to add some balance to the picture, as Taxhelper says, HMRC has focused on various sectors over many years, with a view to getting workers onto PAYE if they really are employees. However, you're unlikely to be in any trouble when you are doing what thousands of other dentists do. HMRC are likely to change things by giving new orders to the companies that "employ" you. Keep good records of all that you receive and spend and find a recommended advisor to help you with recors/accounts and tax return.
    1 point
  7. Well, 30 hours after I registered and posted a comment, but nowt published on the Indie. Seems they don't like being set right that these are not fines.
    1 point
  8. We agree completely on the points of law Go us!
    1 point
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