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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/02/19 in all areas

  1. I know with the NMC they see the difference between a motoring conviction and a criminal conviction as being the issue. motoring you don't need to report, criminal you do but just because you need to report it doesn't mean it will actually have any effect. It will go on your PVC/DBS check though so it is likely something you will need to have a discussion with someone about if and when that gets renewed. I haven't personally had an issue like this but a nurse friend has a criminal conviction for a car related offence and they just asked her what happened and if it had any effect on her doing her job - the thing that most went i
    1 point
  2. Petition: Revoke Art.50 if there is no Brexit plan by the 25 of February On the 25th of November both the UK Government and the European Union came to an agreement on the proposed departure from the EU. After an historic defeat in the House of Commons on the 15th of January, 2019 by a majority of 230 votes the PM has now decided to go back to the EU over the backstop. More details Under section 5 (ii) of the Belfast argeement, 1998, there is agreement to " to use best endeavours to reach agreement on the adoption of common policies, in areas where there is a mutual cross-border and allisland benefit"
    1 point
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