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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/18 in all areas

  1. Hi Tawnyowl Returned from the Cuadrilla Fracking Site Site after spending perhaps 5 hours down there. This was the first day of Green Party week. I was absolutely tired out and since then have just rested.Unable to write anything but am recovered now and going to crack on with the tale of the day.Just my condition,the way it goes. Video,Photos,links to others who were there.I talked to many including one of the speakers and have a tale to tell. I admire the strength the protectors have and watched,observed them in action.They just do not stop. From youngsters to people in their 80s they are there for the duration,that is clear.
    1 point
  2. nope. as above dont do anything. They are already out of time so they can say whatever they like. They have no chance of getting money from you.
    0 points
  3. As you have appealed as the keeper and made it clear that you were not the driver. Do absolutely nothing more! Nothing. Stop. Sit on your hands. They were/and are out of time to create keeper liability, so as keeper, you are not responsible. That leaves them with the only choice of going after the driver and they don't know who that is and you have absolutely no obligation to tell them. Under the terms of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (POFA) they had 14 days (from the day after the parking event) to get that Notice to Keeper (NtK) on to your doormat to create keeper liability. They failed. Game over. It won't stop them
    0 points
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