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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/15 in all areas

  1. Thanks, I'll update you when I receive the refund. Yes, I'll hang around. I seem to have amassed quite a bit of knowledge over the years including dealing with litigation in the labour courts in China. I'll pop in from time to time and help out if I can. Bit busy getting my family back in the UK with me at the moment though. They were involved in that horrible explosion in China, everyone is okay thankfully, but I'll be happier when they're here with me.
    1 point
  2. If that is the treatment you get from the 'manager' as a new customer Their is really no hope It is THEIR problem as they employ these parking vermin I would be looking at what other swimming places are around Make a fuss let everyone know how they treat their customers Facebook ect Send the carpark an appeal they they will reject Then on to POPLA They would no hope in hell winning this in court
    0 points
  3. Ignore is the old rules. Any manager with that attitude wouldn't get my membership! Was it Phil Wright (the general manager)? Has your mum received the NTK (notice to keeper) yet? Or was this a NTD (notice to driver) ticket on the windscreen.? You will be able to appeal this speculative invoice, and win, as I see Metparking are members of the BPA, and a quick google shows they've already appeared on BBC Watchdog. DO NOT PAY anything. Wait for the NTK first, then appeal direct to them, when they refuse the appeal they will (should) send you a POPLA code, you appeal to them using various arguments, such as GPEOL, a
    0 points
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