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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/13 in all areas

  1. If you have clear evidence to support an allegation, then take it up with the TOC, however it seems that you have already been to the Police and they do not accept that you have evidence to support any allegation of an offence. Of course, that doesn't mean you cannot try again, but you will need tangible evidence to support your accusation. Rail staff have the authority to collect / retain all expired rail tickets. In fact, if taken to the extreme, the National Rail Conditions of Carriage always said that they should be 'given up on expiry', however I think we all understand that isn't always practical. The fact remains
    1 point
  2. Saw this thread and thought you might be interested in some following info on The Repo Man. He applied for a credit enforcement licence Sept 6 2011 and this was refused. He has phoenixed three previous recovery companies and dissolved them all Donegal invesigations has been dissolved. Doubtful he can be a director due to the time he has spent in prison. Lengthy stay of 6years for violence/intimidation and drugs. the article you have seen already he was given a suspended sentence for a road rage hammer attack, whilst his wife was in prison. Only spared custodial sentence because of his child. the links to thes
    1 point
  3. I suspect that the problem is that driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence can mean anything from a missing L plate to driving with no licence at all. While one is quite a minor matter, the other is obviously a serious one. However insurers have no easy way of knowing the circumstances behind the conviction, so they just see the code and treat everyone with it in the same way. For some insurers this will mean not offering insurance at all. I'm not quite sure why the court would have given you an absolute discharge and still endorsed your licence - often an absolute discharge goes hand in hand with special reasons not to endor
    0 points
  4. The two assessments are for very different benefits - the ESA one is specifically to assess which, if any, of the criteria your neighbour meets and so the two medicals are not interchangeable. You could try phoning and asking for the claim to be looked at again with the added evidence of the recent award, but I would expect your neighbour will still have to attend.
    0 points
  5. After having witnessed this tripe programme I was hoping for someone to come and take my tv away! Firstly, I found the show to just be one big glorification of test-fuelled self-praising simpletons that only appeals to like-minded thugs with an obvious taste for violence and spite... .and what a perfect job for them to show their 'skills'. Personally, I found the guy to be just plain well.... Not only was he the leader of a van load of obvious ex-criminals, but also a huge dumbbell himself, only good at using spiteful and cowardice tactics to get the job done (despite his precious uniform). His consistent ex
    0 points
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