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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/12 in Posts

  1. Hi myboysam, I need to ask some questions and then go from there to determine if I'm the right person to give you advice. Did you declare yourself bankrupt or did someone else do it ? What are your circumstances? Family? Job? Mortgage? Any valuable items such as expensive cars etc.. Can you give me a rough 'timeline' of events please including debts and to whom. Have you got a bank account that you can still use or have all your financial assets been frozen ? Was anyone else such a spouse/partner involved?
    1 point
  2. yes she does which means that the offence has been committed. ANY part of the vehicle must not be on the zig zags. I accept the rest of your statement. It is, those that have been wrongly or incorrectly issued. But parking where it causes a danger to children is a different ball game in my book. Perhaps you would think otherwise if you have actually witnessed a child being knocked over because of cars parkied illegally outside a school like I have. Believe me, it isn't very pleasent which is why I feel so strongly about it. To be honest (and no disrespect), these are ridiculous comparissons. The exam
    1 point
  3. You would find it very diificult to challenge these tickets because you should know not to park on the zig-zags outside a school from the Highway Code. I take it you took a driving test and signed a document at the end of the test when you passed stating that you would drive in accordance with the rules and regulations of the road. Forget about son's bad leg because he would have walked further from his classroom to your car than for you to illegally park on zig-zags. The purpose of these markings is to protect children. They are to give them and motorists a clear view so to stop children running out between parked cars. You should pay th
    1 point
  4. You must again demand the documents requested in your CPR. They have supplied documents in their AQ to the court that you have requested and which have not been supplied to you. If there were multiple debts, they need to show what monies were applied to which account and when. If you can record calls, call Wetcloth and ask why they have not complied with CPR still. Statutory interest is limited to one year anyway. If they want contractual interest, they must show the contract. Have they sent any statements since they discovered your address? Personally I would say stuff mediation – you have demanded, and been denied,
    1 point
  5. Hi, Ouch! Yep quite a mess. What i would suggest is to return as many of the items as possible. The PC, the 22" TV, the laptop and the Tablet are all luxuries that you could function without in reality. I would also try and work out a way of replacing your other items try Gumtree etc, ask a family member to help you out with a small loan if at all possible or even better get a bank loan the APR won't be anywhere near as rediculous as BrightHouse's charges etc You should write to head office explaining your situation but keep it brief, then go on to say that you wish to reclaim all of the OSC, Late Payment Charges and Interest y
    1 point
  6. There is no guarantee that the DWP will phone you with a pass or fail, my zero point notification came in the post, if they do phone state that you wish to appeal, under no circumstance ask for or be persuaded to go for a review, your payments will stop during the review, however they are obliged to reinstate your payments if you appeal, they will send out form GL24 with a return envelope, it will be sent 2nd class and will probably take a week to get to you, get around this by going yourself, or getting someone else to go to your nearest Job Centre and ask for a GL24 with the pre paid envelope, fill it out straight away, and make a point of
    1 point
  7. I honestly cannot see a judge giving the time of day I do however think that defence is far to basic and does not address enough points
    0 points
  8. Before considering anything of this nature it's important to find out if the caravan financed via a fixed-sum loan or via a hire-pruchase agreement. If it is the latter then permission would need to be sought from the finance company to sell the caravan to another person as it's their asset. If it's HP there could well be the possibility of exercising a voluntary termination clause, this may save a significant amount of money for the original poster.
    0 points
  9. Sorry piscator for not responding earlier. If this debt is SB then do as indicated. RW are totally out of order in issuing a cc claim for such a small sum especially if it's known to be SB. They bank on the fact that 80% of defendants will do nothing and then they will have a default judgement against you and will slap costs on top. They will have nowhere to go if you choose to defend which I thoroughly recommend. If it turns out for some reason it is not SB then you will need to defend on the back of lack of correct documentation and with RW the Notice of Assignment is a good place to start followed by a defective Default Notice. I reiterate
    0 points
  10. Are you still certain this account is statute barred ? If so, the SB defence should be adequate. Courtesy of andyorch.
    0 points
  11. Suing for libel is a rich man's game. It has a very high burden of proof, and even where this exists, the likely return from a successful action would most likely not cover your costs. Headline cases always involve high profile personalities with many millions of pounds worth of contracts at risk, and the average person, although wronged would be very unlikely to be judged to have suffered a financial loss. Libel would also involve the broadcast of defamatory material to a wider audience than the individual concerned, so for as long as any untruths are communicated to you and not in public, then it would not be actionable. Best advice fo
    0 points
  12. Hi there. Hopefully I can be of some help, as I have been in NZ for just over 3 years. I left the UK with significant debt having been unable to pay it back due to loss of job after an accident at work. This was unsecured debt, but debt nevertheless. I will deal with unsecured debt first. As regards a UK bank, credit card company or a debt collection agency actually taking action against you in NZ, it is virtually impossible for them. To do so, they must have already obtained a CCJ against you in the UK. If they have not, then you can forget any legal action. As regards chasing you, then they will by letter, threa
    0 points
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