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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/10 in Posts

  1. A Cabot spokeperson said Just to comment on one quote from this misinformed tirade "Plus what is the overall message here, it is ok to get into debt and not pay it back?", absolutely not Mr/Mrs/Ms Reddwarflister. Most people take on debts because they need the money at the time for a purpose and the majority only take on debts that are affordable and fully intend to repay. Unfortunately peoples circumstances change, in my case I was the victim of a crime, and whilst I was struggling to repay my debts I was being bullied and harassed by debt collectors, including your company, after the banks washed their hands of me, unfortunatel
    1 point
  2. A consumers basic rights are determined by Article 3 of the European Community Directive 1999/44/EC which is a fact, the law, not at all illusory, not imagined, not mistaken:
    1 point
  3. Hi Surfer, if this was care was arranged without any authorsation or confimation fo your friends then I do not hink they can claim from them. I know of a similar situation where the care fees had not been paid and the person delaing with the monies passed away just weeks before the person in care and the family were approached but thre was no estate to speak of so they they persued it no further. As probate etc has been done i think they have missed their claim to any monies that were in the estate. If a letter has been sent direct your friend requesting payment, i would reply stating that your friend has no dealing with arranging the ca
    0 points
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