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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/02/10 in all areas

  1. Please jump off the downward spiral as soon as you can, it is destroying and can only be bad for you and your family. I know this is easier said than done, but, at the end of the day your children and family come first. Try and get yourself in the frame of mind that YOU are in control of your family finances, and not these bully boys. As has been suggested, please let us help you confirm that the Agreements are ok, lots of holes can be picked by the experienced members on here, and it only needs one error to make them unenforceable. You are amongst friends and like minded people on here who have to a greater or lesser degr
    1 point
  2. post up the goods Levy on the notice of seizure its always good to check if there are no exempt goods on there (have any goods on HP been levied) when a bailiff is collecting 2 liability orders at the same time they can only charge 1 set of fees Detailed Assessment Judgment of Throssell v Leeds City Council where the District Judge ruled as follows: “Turning to the taxation it seems to me that notwithstanding the fact that there were three liability orders but one visit was made by one bailiff and the maximum that the Council’s reasonable charges can be is the result of applying the formula contained in Schedule 5 paragrap
    1 point
  3. You need to submit your complaint prior to the 23rd! The online complaint form: our complaints procedure and how to complain
    1 point
  4. To find how much you have paid send them the below letter named sar, this is a request for everything they have on you from database notes to statements to agreements phone call logs, requested under the data protection act. For your agreement send the CCA request and they got 14 working days to send your agreement or it is in dispute. Subject Access Request WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICE COMPLIANCE RUDDINGTON FIELD BUSINESS PARK RUDDINGTON NOTTINGHAM NG11 6NZ REMEMBER THE £10 POSTAL ORDER AND SEND RECORDED DELIEVERY Never sign but print signature. [your address] [their address] [DATE
    1 point
  5. Locutus Love the UTube thing fabbo well done
    1 point
  6. Exactly Mark, well worded and true to every point we should all be checking each other and I know if somone tells me im wrong I appreciate being told so I learn more..... Im no expert im the same as everyone else on here, normal guy with a job that has 5 kiddies to provide for and got shafted by welcome so started to read and get advise on how to fight back so my knowledge is all self taught (apart from certain aspects of complaints and utilities which is my profession) ...... Oh and for the record Mark ive never questioned your advise, your spot on m8 . . .
    1 point
  7. Well hopefully I haven`t given bad advice at all. Then again there are enough in the Know Now here on the **** Forum, like your good self, emanevs and beyond and of course post, to ensure all the advice is relivent and Good. We must all keep an eye on this sort of thing. there will be times when the advice given, in good faith may be Errant and will need to be corrected, but that is just a Learning Curve, and will be spotted by some one. There is always the possibility of someone Giving wrong advice, to mislead and cause confusion, but I like to think we are all wise enough to spot these people when they appear. It is better
    1 point
  8. Hi Eddie, Subbing to your thread, which I've been reading with interest. Also noted you've been reading mine with interest aswell;). All can seem a bit daunting at times, however it all seems a little easier when you receive help and support from fellow Caggers. I'm in the process of preparing my skeleton argument in advance of my SO/SJ hearing on the 4th March. Also waiting to see if there are any further developments on the Cobbetts front! If you need any assistance give me a shout. You are already getting very sound advice from GH and everybody else involved with your thread. Costa
    1 point
  9. Cupcake I've been thinking about you all night. I think the fact that the letters crossed in the post gives you a chance to get things put on hold without losing face or paying out. Why not e-mail mail@bryancartersolicitors.co.uk or info@bryancartersoliciors,co,uk and send a soft copy of your letter telling them the 2 letters crossed in the post and you assume they will now wait on Egg getting their act together as required by law? I e-mailed our nice Uncle Bryan and funnily enough got a reply from postmaster@freds.com BD
    1 point
  10. That and the fact most people probably just wouldn't bother. 100 probably is fairer. Three months - some of which it not working - isn't really use. The bold/underline is probably more relevant than the bold. There are certain circumstances (on a per-case basis often) which determine whether you're entitled to a refund or not. Not requiring a replacement is fine and if they have denied this in the past it is probably unreasonable to expect repeated visits and not to purchase a replacement yourself. If you take them to court, it will depend on what they think... Case law isn't particularly relevant as each set of circumstance
    1 point
  11. Nectar points are all good and well but be careful. It is now possible to get into debt with a nectar card! If you say shop at more than 1 Sainsbury's store to redeem your points in, you could use the points in lots of different stores (in 1 day) and then get a minus points balance the next day there slow computers update, owing nectar money!! So be careful people.
    1 point
  12. Don`t care. I`m not ticklish anyway!!! NA! N! NA! NA! Are you sure it`s hygienic to be tickling Strange OZZY type people??? I`m sure that can`t be safe!!!
    1 point
  13. Hello E! Sounds like you are on top of it. The AQ issue may not be anything, but if the enemy fail to pay and file their AQs, then Christmas could come early for you. But if going for their Throat via N244 on your own Strike Out or Summary Judgment basis, then just read up those areas of CPR (I think I quoted them earlier), and bone up on how to prepare a suitable Witness Statement and Exhibit to support the Application. A bit late now, but I didn't think you should use an N244 over their failure to file AQs, because that is easily remedied by them...however, now that the Court has taken the initiative over the AQ issue, e
    1 point
  14. mandm This is a thread on letter - v - N244 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/134001-suggested-letter-where-claimant.html I did a letter, but there are varied opinions on what one to use!! MJ
    1 point
  15. We secured a bit more than permission to amend Michael; it might be helpful to give a more detailed explanation. Yesterday's hearing took place with the fully amended Statement of Claim (amended POC) and amended crave before the court, and previously intimated to the bank's solicitors. Which may explain why counsel for the bank objected so strongly to the orders we sought, and hoped to get the case dismissed. The court was taken through the new ss.140A-B CCA case, and the substantially revised reg.5 case, and full legal argument took place in light of same. The bank was ordained to lodge defences in light of the new and revised
    1 point
  16. Hello and Welcome, Might be worth your while sending them a CCA request, A debt becomes unenforceable under the CCA if a creditor does not supply a true copy of the signed credit agreement within 12 working days of it being requested. The debt remains unenforceable for as long as the creditor fails to produce the signed credit agreement – this means if they produce the agreement some months down the line, they are quite within their rights to enforce it. They do not need to take any further action to enforce the debt. A debtor cannot take any action against the creditor for failing to produce the signed credit agreement within
    1 point
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