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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/10/07 in all areas

  1. Hi Tilly. It is a shame but Ill know more news tomorrow, I hope. Ive not had any notification yet off the Courts so you never know , the bank could be blowing hot air. Best to wait till I know for certain isnt it. Im cheesed off about it ,of course but, if thats the way it goes then thats the way it goes. Im not giving up but after all whats the point of throwing good money after bad, especially when I cant afford it.
    2 points
  2. I am just about to write to the Bank of Scotland regarding refunding charges applied to my accounts and I want to make sure I get the wording correct right from the start. I intend to reclaim charges going back more than 6 years as I have the statements to back up my claim. At present I recon that BoS owe me the following amounts; Personal account from 10/08/95 to 19/04/96 £464.50 + interest of £427.53 = £892.03 Business Account from 02/05/96 to 28/07/99 £10,080.50 + interest of £7,972.61 = £18,053.11 Personal Account from 19/04/96 to 19/02/01 £5,210.50 + interest of £4,053.29 = £9,263.79 That is a total of £28,208.93 Shoul
    1 point
  3. Make payments direct to the council - either by online payment (if they have one) or by standing order or BACS with the bank. If you go the standing order/BACS route, don't forget to put the council tax reference number in the description or reference field of the transaction. Your council should happily give you their bank account detials if you phone them and BACS and standing order payments can be done either online, via telephone banking or in the branch depending on your bank. Follow up the first payment with a letter to the council explaining the situation and stating you are not refusing to pay just that the bailiff is being unr
    1 point
  4. Well firstly as i normally advise all people, Ignore Bailiff and send your payments direct to the Council, they have to credit your account with the amounts you pay, you saw the email to bailiff, send letter to Council offering 5 months don't wait for a yes or no answer, with the letter send your first 100.00 quid, and stick to it you do not need to pay the bailiff direct, he is after all a "debt collector" with the ability to seize goods. Your quite right that you CAN NOT be arrested if you are paying, the arrest is only for people who can but won't pay so you are in no danger there. By asking you to sign a walking possession, he
    1 point
  5. your local TS wold be the best place to start and your local council will be able to help you with being able to contact them.
    1 point
  6. believe me you can beat these people at ruthless with the help of the guys from here i got them off my back by sending them the letters from this site.
    1 point
  7. Thankyou Bo. I feel like i should be wearing my
    1 point
  8. Well ladies - I see you both have new shiney ones - well done:D
    1 point
  9. Hi Mayhem. It is a bit quiet on here at the moment but I assure you, you will get lots of help. Have a read of this to give you an idea of what you have to do to reclaim your charges. Guide To Reclaiming Bank Charges **##~~~~**##~~~~ Read This First !! Just ask if you need any help! .
    1 point
  10. I suspect that if it is an elderly lady, by "check the fuses", they mean in the plug, not the TV itself. Only a guess, mind you. ;-)
    1 point
  11. yep, thats what happens, sometimes however they forget, they should be submtting a defence, and if they dont then you should file for judgement as they havnt complied with the directions
    1 point
  12. hi overflow glad you had a good holiday just a shame you did,nt come back to some better news but like you say the advice you get on here is brilliant and you cant go wrong i learnt that a while back fingers till crossed for you
    1 point
  13. Would you believe over-use? Electrical equipment is designed to operate within tightly-defined parameters, and the quality of the components relates to the amount of money paid. A sub-£100 telly and one costing £1000k both receive a picture and keep you entertained, but the one built with quality components will last longer than one that isn't. You pay your money and take your choice. There was no fault in manufacturing, it worked happily for over a year, but months of use, heat, dust, bugie feathers and the rest all play their part. There may have been no budgie feathers in your case - but clearly if all that has happened that a capacitor
    1 point
  14. Tickle the scale sport - I'm trying to catch Curly;)
    1 point
  15. What is this debt for ? While cards and loans are fully covered by CCA, overdrafts aren't completely. For an overdraft what you would expect to receive is a copy of the letter of authorisation from the bank. Now if this is for a O/d I'd be inclined to tell AK that you are disputing the value with LTSB due to unlawful charges.
    1 point
  16. Hi Sheddy, Saw you looking at your thread - me too. Have you called court to see if they've rec'd owt from bank. Take it bundles are ready to be Filed and Served. Slick
    1 point
  17. Hi undersiege base the date upon the date you posted the letter plus 2 days for posting in the absence of proof of delivery so if you sent it on 13th then you would say 15th was when they recieved it as the postal rule is 2 days for first class post i hope this helps regards paul
    1 point
  18. NO, not at all. Again NO. Lack of CCA DOESN'T mean that the debt is voided or cancelled. The debt still exists, but it means that it is unenforceable in court.
    1 point
  19. Hi Overflow, Im glad you enjoyed your hols. Well earned. You should contact the courts to see if the have actually applied this, if not then contact the bailiffs to see what they are doing. If they have applied this you will recieve a letter from the court.
    1 point
  20. EFFECTIVE July 27 , 2007 NEW OFFICE POLICY Dress Code: 1) You are advised to come to work dressed according to your salary. 2) If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we will assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise. 3) If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a raise. 4) If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise. Sick Days: We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness. If y
    1 point
  21. Mike, they may have the right to satisfy themselves that they are sending the data to the correct person, however, there is no requirement in law for that identification to be expressly made as a signature to satisfy themselves as to your identity, they could use a copy of your birth certificate and a utility bill therefroe i consider this a delaying tactic and suggest that you do not sign anything and tell them that you will not be sending them a sample sig as suggested and thatthey have 12 working days to comply with your original request and the clock is ticking regards paul
    1 point
  22. why am i not surprised :lol:
    1 point
  23. I think its just me and you AGAIN...!!
    1 point
  24. Hi old friend, Good to see you back off your hols, Hope you had a great time. rotten news to come back to, I would ring bailiffs in morning to see what current state of play is, and wait until SSL pops over with her words of wisdom, as Ja-de says.
    1 point
  25. Hi overflow, glad to "see" you back. Hope you had a great time. Sorry you got back to bad news, I think it's something for ssl to advise you on, I'm sure she'll be calling in to "see" you later.
    1 point
  26. The links above will help you, but as you are claiming over 6 years and CI, this thread will be very interesting for you to read. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/33005-bong-hsbc-contractual-interest.html?highlight=bong+v If you do decide to claim CI, then you will need to include this on your prelim and Lba letters.
    1 point
  27. Hi have just reclaimed 7 x £50.00 Arreaes fee and 3 x £10.00 non payment by D/D fee. did this with the help of Financial Ombudsman Service Letter sent to FOS 7 August 2007 Full and final Goodwill gesture 20 October 2007 good luck
    1 point
  28. Yes I've heard she can be quite er, vocal in certain areas!
    1 point
  29. Spurs I suggest you send a PM to one of the Mods who ar interested in building up a general picture of which courts are staying claims and why. I would suggest someone like Zootscoot, or GaryH who are quite involved in this and knows a great deal on the matter. For my own tuppence worth. I gather that courts like Edmonton are routinely staying Small claims Track cases whilst awaiting the outcome of the OFT case. It is likely that your case has been transferred for consideration of judge Collins to determine whether or not it should be allocated to another track such as Fast or Multi. This is most likely because of the size of
    1 point
  30. I've corrected a few mistakes in Mike's FAQs Q. We already do collections and debt recovery training 'in-house' so is there any point in using a firm like The Connolly Partnership? A. This is a good question and one which is frequently raised. We are sure that your in-house training is perfect, and that your organisation never breaches any laws or guidelines, but you may be interested to know what your competitors are up to and the depths to which they are prepared to stoop. This may well lead to you introducing new methods to your business, with immediate results. Possibly even court action. Q. What size group should we train?
    1 point
  31. I'ld like to think the call would go something like this... LOL!! I think the conversation would go something like this... And the audience booo's Mike Hunt!!! Time for a Cheeky Vimto I think?!! :grin: Best to all... Dave. LOL! Regards, Dave.
    1 point
  32. Why not write to them again, stating that you will only deal with the matter in writing, and that further calls will be viewed as harassment. If they continue to call, simply refuse to answer their security questions. You may also find the 'broken record' technique useful: 1. Write, in good-sized, clear letters, a script on a piece of card or paper. Something along the lines of "All communication about this matter must be in writing. I cannot discuss it with you on the phone." 2. Place your script by the phone. 3. When the DCA rings, read from the script. No matter what they say, just read the script, over and over again.
    1 point
  33. Please......... - subbing............ Bo;)
    1 point
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