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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/07 in all areas

  1. Right just a quick update. Cobbets had "forgotten" to include the AQ fee and some interest in the cheque they had issued to us.Well that has now arrived aswell so the saga is now well and truly over. So I'm now off on a nice 2 week holiday and cant wait. Again thank you so much to all of you who helped or simply were there with a kind word along the way. THANX !!! Right then with that take care and talk soon!!! All the best Trish xxx
    4 points
  2. Hi David, I received PM's from you and Tomterm8 earlier today, as I understand you have been issued with a Court claim. First of all don't panic, you are at the very start of this situation and just because a claim has been issued against you, doesn't mean there is a debt that is enforceable! When the Court issues a claim, they allow 5 days before they deem you have received it. You then have 14 days to file (submit) what is known as an Acknowledgement of Service,(AoS) which essentially is you saying you have received the claim and acknowledge the fact. You can at that stage also, admit the debt, which in my opinion you shouldn't, u
    2 points
    2 points
  4. WELL DONE !!!!!! happy spending trish, huge congratulations!! xxx
    2 points
  5. After reading the article on MSE I've decided to try and reclaim charges made by Yorkshire Bank. Four years ago my partner and I split up, leaving me with 2 kids, a mortgage and only one wage coming in. Slowly, I started getting further and further behind and obviously bills still had to be paid [most of which were via DD]. I had an overdraft on my account, but this was regularly being eaten into, and on occasions I went slightly over and was being charged £8 a day and between £20 and £25 for them having the 'courtesy' of informing me. Each month my wage had a big chunk taken out of it to clear the charges and it became a never ending
    1 point
  6. National Debtline England & Wales | Debt Advice | Factsheet 30 Student Debt Well worth a read folks.
    1 point
  7. Yes to Gresham St and to claim interest £176.54 as total
    1 point
  8. Paul try ringing cobbetts and tell them u will enter judgement unless they give u a reason not to.........ie a cheque is on the way....... if a cheque isn't on the way ask them why haven't they filed the defence within the permitted timescale..threaten them with judgement and see what happens...... i would expect they will be rather embarrased as they have probably forgotten to file the defence, give them 24 hours to pay u in full or u will enter judgement........see what they say........... Good luck scott
    1 point
  9. It depends whether they could reasonably assume the pain was due to the hip or a fault. My hubby's gran had a hip replacement about the same time as you and is having similar problems. She's considereing having another op and they have now scanned her - but they did go down the route of physio etc. before that as, unfortunately, hip replacements can sometimes take a long time to settle for some people. It also depends on whether people do tehir exercises etc. afterwards too. You may just ahve been unfortunate, I'm afarid, rather than the hospital being negligent. What you have described is very rare to happen - could the hospital ha
    1 point
  10. Yes but contract law allows for the actual proven financial loss to be awarded in the case of breach of contract, not compensation per se - this is at a judges discretion and is not set in law.
    1 point
  11. - not in cases where landlords are either in finanial difficulties, are using every trick in a book to stall or simply make arrangments to pay in installements....of £2 per month... - I think Devon Dan is withholding of the rent because the landlord has breached the contract, plus I imagine with such extensive disrepairs, the tenants have suffered financial losses and inconvienience already. Also, I think that it would be unreasonable to expect tenants to fork out a heap of money up front- we are not talking here about one small disrepair issue. I think ultimately, with landlord like this, devon Dan would be naive to hope that he wil
    1 point
  12. At the time when I started the cases it was costing me a fortune in court fees but now they are all coming to conclusion at a similar time it is great. I have 2 large s32 claim in June so preping for them at the moment, Clydesdale and HBOS. I do need to be careful when I have to go to court and not act too cocky, as I guess Mr Judge may not take too kindly to that. All I have on my credit file now are 4 defaults for Cabot (1 is still in BOS name) and 2 others from BOS. None of which have agreements that are legible so it should only be a matter of time. Then I can get on with living again...oh and helping others on the sit
    1 point
  13. This sounds like an account review meeting with their branch financial advisor or manager. There is a claim for all of the charges for over limit fees, direct debit non payment, unpaid cheque fees etc, and should you go, ask for them all back. If you do get fobbed off tomorrow, you will need to get your son's statements by sending an S.A.R (Subject Access Request) under the data protection act. When this arrives add up all of the charges and make your claim. Some poeple are now going beyond 6 years of statements for claiming back to the 80's.. Have a good read around the FAQ's, there are links below to help you. Good luck Ukaviat
    1 point
  14. Welcome GT Please find your banks forum and start a thread; (your name) V (banks name) Other members with experience of your bank can offer informed advice. use the template letters in order. Stick to the timetable in there. please take time to read the faq's LINKS.... At a glance guide to claiming..... FAQs.... Templates Library.... If you have charges going back further than six years read in here; Claiming beyond 6 yrs - important new information!!! There is also live chat, visit if you need any quick advice. http://www.consumeractiongroup.c o..../flashchat.php Finally good Luck. PPMAN If this he
    1 point
  15. Yes he can claim on a closed account. Please find your banks forum and start a thread; (your name) V (banks name) Other members with experience of your bank can offer informed advice. use the template letters in order. Stick to the timetable in there. please take time to read the faq's LINKS.... At a glance guide to claiming..... FAQs.... Templates Library.... If you have charges going back further than six years read in here; Claiming beyond 6 yrs - important new information!!! There is also live chat, visit if you need any quick advice. http://www.consumeractiongroup.c o..../flashchat.php Finally good Luck.
    1 point
  16. Hi, It would do no harm to send the bundle and then phone the litigation dept and find out if they want to settle, even if they say not until a week before your court date at least you know you are going to get a settlement. claire
    1 point
  17. Good offer, but a NO, i think too. Anyway it is 14 days from the date they were deemed served so that would be the 16th correct. So they have to have entered an acknowledgement by then. Otherwise you can enter a default against them, that is where the Judgement by default comes into action. So just ignore that bit until then. You may not need to ever use it. So nothing to do but sit back and wait. Caz
    1 point
  18. Fascinating thread. I was left in debt after my con artist new husband took everything I had, or was able to get (loan, CCs). My health probs worsened causing me to lose my well paid employment, and my con artist husband left after fleecing me of another £500 for repairs to his car out of my last months salary. Like a fool I presumed that my divorce solicitor would sort this out....no way, she isn't interested, although she says she believes me (well I have been able to provide some proof), I can't even get back my daughter's pc that he took. I went to CAB for help with the debts, after all creditors agreed to hold fire (over phone to CAB
    1 point
  19. its just scare tactics, youve sent them the CCA and have the proof its been signed for. let the clock tick, they would be foolish to take it to court while its in dispute because no court in the land would have it! relax.
    1 point
  20. Welcome Tony Please find your banks forum and start a thread; (your name) V (banks name) Other members with experience of your bank can offer informed advice. use the template letters in order. Stick to the timetable in there. please take time to read the faq's LINKS.... At a glance guide to claiming..... FAQs.... Templates Library.... If you have charges going back further than six years read in here; Claiming beyond 6 yrs - important new information!!! There is also live chat, visit if you need any quick advice. http://www.consumeractiongroup.c o..../flashchat.php Finally good Luck. PPMAN If this
    1 point
  21. Strictly speaking I would take it one step further. The CCA must exist, it must contain the "permission to search" clause (almost all do) and they must be able to lay their hands on it to prove that you have given the creditor (or their agents) permission I suppose its possible that Powergen's terms and conditions may contain a "credit file search" clause even though it isn't a CCA, but unless this bunch can show that - they don't have permission to search your file. Like I said earlier - just because you owe someone money doesn't mean they have the right to search your file. Ironically, if you are in credit, a full CCA c
    1 point
  22. I would add in a bit about them not supplying any other documentation as per your CCA request, including any statements of account, as they would obviously need to rely on something like that in order to prove in the absence of an agreement that any debt might have existed. And if I was being REALLY picky, I might say that you should really use the same form of providing a date throughout a document. ie if using day/month/year, continue to do so. Although my preference is to put it in the form of "on 2 May 2007". I'm off to pedant's corner now.
    1 point
  23. Louis, We all make mistakes, lets face it we wouldn`t be members of this site if we had not made our biggest ever mistake of Trusting the Banks:o At the moment the banks will be looking for any mistakes or their interpritation of miscalculation etc to try and raise a challenge, so its always best to try and remove any opportunities before they get that far. No harm done, and its a learning process for us all.
    1 point
  24. This is exactly what they do. It is all intended to do just what it has done to you..confuse. Make sure the Information Commissioner knows all about this. Kings Hill No 1 is a dormant company on 15th of Jan it swapped places with Cabot (UK) Ltd which was dormant. They then claim that Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd services these accounts. Go for them fast and hard as you like and as long as you are sure of your facts don't let up. PM any of the Caboteers Sea Horse, Tbern, Debt Mountain, Elizabeth1, myself if you need any off board advice.
    1 point
  25. Told you he was good and well worth the wait!!!! Go get your nephew's money back ............ it's got his name on it and it's just waiting to be reclaimed!!! Good luck kazzie, xxxxxx
    1 point
  26. "Letting it go" isn't in my nature any more, I'm afraid. I've been lied to, spoken to as if I was the lowest of the low and they have acted illegally. No way am I letting this go - I could never look my children in the face again if I didn't stand up to a bully. I think I understand why you're saying let it go and I know that it's probably an unwinnable fight - however, there are prinicpals at stake here and Halifax have treated badly for too long. Not just with my bank charges - my loan was taken out to cover ex-husbands debts - when he ran off with another woman and left me with a three year old, they didn't want to know. I c
    1 point
  27. hi wondered if i could use ur experience? i have sent all said letters to natwest with no reply have used registered post. now have started court proceedings this monday 30th april why have i had no reply what so ever also im thinking of getting a company to see to court thing as i havent a clue really or the time can u recommend anyone thanx dilud 23
    1 point
  28. Update: Clap hands: Lloyds have agreed to refund charges in full. All those on benefits should contact their MP, I am sure that this result is of a visit to Lloyds from him. Thanks for all the help and just hope everyone else gets the same result.
    1 point
  29. Regardless of their times if they aint got it they aint got it.
    1 point
  30. you need to go here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/33060-basic-court-bundle.html click on the link to open the bundle and print the lot off.
    1 point
  31. Hi Dynamite Din, Welcome to the forum. If I was in the same position I would firstly inform them of your change of name. Take a copy of your certificates into branch and let them know.Then start the process of reclaiming the charges. use the template letters in order. Stick to the timetable in there. please take time to read the faq's LINKS.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/71112-glance-guide-claiming.html FAQs.... Templates Library.... If you have charges going back further than six years read in here; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/80486-claiming-beyond-6-yrs.html
    1 point
  32. Hi berty, Welcome to the forum. As the distinguished old gent above says, no problem with your letter going to the local branch. It will find its way to the correct dept. As for the other query as to have any claims failed or been quashed, None that are genuine claims, as long as all of your paperwork is in order you have no problem. Please follow this link to your banks forum and start a thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=11 Title your post, berty bassett V Lloyds Tsb Other members with experiance of your bank can offer informed advice. use the template letters in order. Stick to
    1 point
  33. They can take it for payment if they like - it doesn't absolve them from providing the documents. Now allow them another 30 calendar days - the account is now in default and if they fail to provide the CCA within this time, they ahve committed an offence.
    1 point
  34. owww good luck exciting stuff! sounds like your nearly there. i am expecting to put my claim with MCOL this week when partner gets paid. good luck. - did most ppl get a reply to the LBA as i have not
    1 point
  35. How can anyone second guess what the bank are going to do? No bank can at present (IMO) afford to allow a test case to go through as it could be the end for banks as we know it . Their only option is to apply for your case to be struck out it would seem and that could only happen if you've been a numpty and have ballsed up your claim either by being vexaciuos and claiming things you are not entitled to or by generally getting your figures wrong. If however, you've done things by the book, don't panic, it won't be long before they fold and offer you the full whack.....or close to it.
    1 point
  36. Thanks again to everybody on this site for their help and support. To date I have won two cases, one for mis-sold ppi from another reputable company totaling £7,600. £3,000 cheque to me and £4,600 of the balance of the loan:D and now the nastywest for bank charges of over £2,000:grin: and of course my fight will go on with the others. I have totally been reborn, from a trusting niave dumpty to a educated demanding enforcer of my rights, who wants rightful justice. My advice to others who are starting out on their claim. It can be a long and frustrating time before you get your money. but you will get it Don't be put of
    1 point
  37. Sorry to be a MOANY so and so But could we keep this thread on Topic with Legal arguments and Angles for claiming Authorised/unauthorised CI please by all means link to your claim if you think there is something relevent in it but please dont start discussing it in here it is what has happened in other threads in regards CI hence this thread to try and make it easier to see the different angles to approach it from
    1 point
  38. Dear Trading Standards, I am writing to complain about Robinson Way. To date, they have failed to comply with my request to a game of "who blinks first on the Town Hall steps has to show their ar*e!", with the whole membership of the CAG watching ! I therefore wish to make a formal complaint and would urge you to take action for their full compliance with this request, instead of continually sending out the same old, boring, repetitive, pleading, yeah-but... no-but, begging letters asking for money. Please take note that... until such times as can I see them blink and show their ar*es on the Town Hall steps, no payments will
    1 point
  39. Trish i am hanging. Secretly revelling in it, and you really enjoy your fine win.
    1 point
  40. ps forgot to say Aplins solicitors letter , they have a system of letter codes they use and the aplins one is on there, its outsorced to be printed and sent to, very doubtful that a solicitor ever so much as heard your name thought i would add this on as it could be useful to someone, if you do call dlc to arrange a payment or to try and settle an account try to do it after 24th and before the 28th, monthly bonus targets are tallied on the 29th and staff who have not reached targets are a little more willing to accept arrangements to pay or offer settlements, also bonus are only calculated on debit/credit card transactions, if you tell t
    1 point
  41. Yor teasing me. You know what i am going to say. WAIT FOR THE CHEQUE
    1 point
  42. I have replied to your PM cankster. Its okay .... and apologies to you too for going OTT:rolleyes: . I wish you good luck with your future claims. Sorry Milly XX
    1 point
  43. MillMollyMoo, Ablove article/letter is taken from the following sources. 1. Ripped off witness statement from a leeds based firm of solicitors. 2. My own Research. 3. Extracts from case law. 4. Various pieces of various post reworded or used in full. Now are you saying the whole thing is urs, cos it aint dear. Which ever bit I used which is urs could you please highlight. And then We can all thank you and tell you how ace it was
    1 point
  44. Hiya Guys and Girls, Just me putting in a mention and a copy of the latest letter I have sent to The Lowell Portfolio Group. I sent 1 copy e-mail to Lowell Financial, and 1 copy by recorded letter to Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd. Here is the letter and I still have had no reply. Mr Nigel Beaven To date you have failed to comply with my statutory request for a true, signed copy of a regulated credit agreement in my previous letter dated 01/02/07, and have therefore defaulted in respect of the above account. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under
    1 point
  45. Not quite Send 2 copies of your schedule of charges, clearly marked with your claim no. + a brief covering letter asking for them to be filed with your claim to: The Court Manager, Money Claim Online Northampton County Court 21-27 St. Katharine's Street Northampton NN1 2LH Dear Sir/Madam (Your Name) –v- (Bank) Claim No: ******** Date Issued: xx/xx/xx Please find enclosed a schedule of penalty charges taken from me by the defendant, along with interest claimed at the annual rate of 8% pursuant to section 69 of the County Court Act. The interest in addition to the amount in charges equates to the total amoun
    1 point
  46. Can I just state that the credit score that you get from these companies bears no relation to the credit score assigned to you by a bank/loan company. The credit score they give you on these sort of sites is based on the system in the US where you have one score that is used throughout the credit industry. Here in the UK each financial organisation creates their own unique score. One company may say you need 100 points to get credit, another may say 500. They assign each factor of you and your application with a number of points and decide the number you need to pass themselves. Martin Lewis on the moneysavingexpert website has covered this s
    1 point
  47. If that's the case, RJG, it might be worthwhile keeping your present car until April and then replacing it through the company if you set one up. If you set up a personal lease agreement now you may end up kicking yourself come Apriltime. Talk to an accountant regarding the possible tax benefits/pitfalls too.
    1 point
  48. Responded With: Dear Madam, Thank you for your correspondence of the 14th September 2006. I am somewhat confused as to how you can allege you were not aware of my current address given I have written confirmation contradicting that statement from 'Mackenzie Hall' who state you were notified in July 2006 when my original CCA request was submitted. I also note that your "normal procedures" do not correlate with a legal right to shun your duties under the legislation irrespective of whether you are the original creditor or not. I have previously told you on numerous occasions that I have no credit agreement or account
    1 point
  49. Hi Rinne, I have been using the following as my particulars of claim: Claimant has account (A/C No) with Defendant from (Date)conducted on their standard terms and conditions. Claimant is claiming the return of money taken by Defendant in charges over 6 years. The Defendant's charges are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. They are also invalid under the Unfair Contracts Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.Para.8 and sch.2.1.e. In the event that the charges are not a penalty they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Suppl
    1 point
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