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  1. thanks freakyleaky for the form. has anyone done a copy of what they are filling in on theirs on the site. i've printed one off and have filled it in rough but i need someone to just tell me i've done the right thing. hope someone can help as i'm a damsel in destress and haven't a clue about these things. thanks gertty(debbie)
  2. hi everyone. i'm sending in an appeal to cardiff ready for the 14th of this month but reading all the threads has made it clear that i need this form N244. i've looked on the court website but i want to know can i down load the form i need from there or can someone show me the right place to find it. many thanks gertty(debbie)
  3. i dropped my bundle into the cardiff court this morning and spoke to a very nice man who said there was to be over 500 people all booked for 10.30 on the 14th of august. he said to carry on with sending in papers but nothing will be done until all the test case has been heard. so don't go to cardiff court on this day as you won't be seen. there is a letter coming out to everyone as said above. i'm fed up as i was looking forward to going to court. he did say that i can send in an appeal against the stay but the judge might look at it if he wants to. fed up from caerphilly. gertty(debbie)
  4. been answered now thanks for the help. gertty(debbie)
  5. thank you for that i'm ok now just hope the postal strike doesn't delay the paper work to much. gertty(debbie)
  6. i know i'm thick but can you please give me the place to find it as i have been on this site for most of the day trying to find the right thing so i don't get thrown out of court. no i'm not blonde just not up to speed with this thing as my friend started it all off for me. hers went to easy last year. thanks gertty(debbie):? :?
  7. hi latti. can you please please make this idiot language. i haven't got the foggiest what your talking about. thanks gertty(debbie):? :? :?
  8. thank you both. i will sit and have a good read when all the kids have gone home. my brain is addled at the mo trying to look after kids and sort this out. if anyone else has a link to some "statements of evidence" i will be greatfull. thanks gertty (debbie)
  9. thanks manicblonde for the reply but i can't find what you have mentioned. can you please post some directions to were i will find it. many thanks. gertty(debbie)
  10. hi cityguy23. which "statement of evidence" have you used. please please tell me i don't know which one to use. :???:
  11. hi i will be there. i'm doing the paper work now as we email. what have you sent already?
  12. hi everyone. ok here we go again. i have found several" statement of evidence " paper work on the site BUT i need to know which one i need for my prelim defence hearing on the 14th august. my friend has found that this one is what i need "hsbc POC ".is this ok if not help please. i know time is of the essence i need to print off today to get in the post for dg before the 7 days before court date starts, because of the post strikes i need to post asap. please keep it simple as i'm not a computer expert. thanks in advance
  13. hi cityguy 23 i'm still carrying on with the court. i will be there on the 14th unless dg send me some money. i need to carry on for my own sanity. see you there
  14. i'm going in on the train it's easier for me with all the kids they go free. gertty(debbie)
  15. it's a shame you can't be there lateralus. the train fair will be abit expensive. seriously now do you think dg will turn up on the day or do you think they will contact us all in the week before the 14th. it's getting abit close now. i'm prepared to go the whole way but i need this to be all finished before the 24th of august as i'm going away for my hols (2weeks). gertty(debbie)
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