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CAG Community Centre Subforums:-


  1. 366
  2. Campaign

    Are you interested in the bigger picture? Do you have definite ideas which you wish to contribute? Are you interested in campaigning in some way? Whether it is bank charges, PPI, the cost of gas/electric/food/travel etc - this is the place to share your ideas.

  3. Weight loss

    Do you have a weight problem? Is it hurting you or holding you back in your life? You aren't on your own. Come and talk about it and get some support here.

  4. Give up smoking - - here

    If you are giving up smoking then you might like to start a thread here so you can let us know how you are doing - and about each time you falter.

  5. Make do and mend - What are your cost-cutting tips?

    Banks, Debt collectors, PayDay lenders, PCNs - it's a war out there. You need to put your personal econcomy on a war-time footing.
    Share your money-saving tips with the rest of us here.

  6. eBook Readers - eReaders

    Looks as if reading electronic books is taking off. Do you have an eReader? or are you considering getting one? Come and discuss it here

  7. Technical Computer/IT/Console/SatNav Questions

    Having problems with your PC, laptop, games console, hand-held, sat-nav etc. No doubt others will have gone through the same issue and can point you in the right direction.
    This is for technical support - not for disputes with suppliers

  8. CAG Meets

    Want to meet up with other CAG people round the country?

  9. Coronavirus – CoVid-19

    This country is in the middle of a very serious crisis. Have you contracted the virus? Would you be prepared to share your experiences with others. We would be pleased to hear from you and to give you the support that we can.

    Please note that this sub-forum is for people's experiences and to provide support and community. This is not for banter and any threads or posts which don't appear to be suitable will be either move to the Bear Garden or else deleted.

  10. The Youth Consumer Service

    This is an initiative to help young people join the world of work. Run by The Content Creatives 

    They help young people find career opportunities within the creative & media industries


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